Episode 117 – Chris DT Gordon

Welcome to another episode of The HERO Show. I am your host Richard Matthews, (@AKATheAlchemist) and you are listening to Episode 117 with Chris DT Gordon – Choosing The Attitude of Gratitude

Chris is a faithful husband, father of three online MS SPED teacher, a runner, a Taekwondo student, and a pop culture geek. He is also a necrotizing fasciitis (NF) survivor. NF is a flesh-eating disease that causes the death of parts of the body’s soft tissue. It’s a serious disease that spreads rapidly in the body with symptoms that include fever, severe pain, vomiting, and discoloration of the skin in the affected area.

Here’s just a taste of what we talked about today:

  • How the attitude of gratitude helped Chris set him up for success despite his severe illness.
  • The two sides of appreciation, why it’s good for you and the person you give it to.
  • Misconception about satisfaction. Catch this part of their conversation in today’s episode, it’s another perspective on how to be happy.
  • The common success factor behind prosperous CEOs, saying “No”.
  • Nothing beats a positive mindset and how it can catapult you in achieving your heart’s desires.
  • Chris’ version of playing TAG – T, Think about all the good things in your life. A, Acknowledge and appreciate. Let someone know that you appreciate them and why. G, Give someone else the reason to be grateful.
  • Lastly, “Pass on Perfection, and GO for GREATNESS!”

Recommended Media:

Chris mentioned the following series on the show.

The HERO Challenge

Today on the show, Chris challenged Ben Eden to be a guest on The HERO Show. Chris thinks that Ben is a fantastic interview because he has a great story to tell that would really serve the audience of the Hero Show.

How To Stay Connected With Chris

Want to stay connected with Chris? Please check out their social profiles below.

With that… let’s get to listening to the episode…

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Richard Matthews

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All done by real humans who know, understand, and care about YOUR brand… almost as much as you do.

Empowered by our their proprietary technology their team will let you get back to doing what you love while we they handle the rest.

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A peak behind the masks of modern day super heroes. What makes them tick? What are their super powers? Their worst enemies? What's their kryptonite? And who are their personal heroes? Find out by listening now

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