Episode 060 – Arnie Chapman

Welcome to another episode of The HERO Show. I am your host Richard Matthews, (@AKATheAlchemist) and you are listening to Episode 060 with Arnie Chapman – You Do It or You Don’t. Discipline Equals Freedom.

Arnie Chapman is the host of The Football History Dude – a show dedicated to teaching NFL fans about the rich history of the game we all know and love.

Arnie is  just a regular dude that loves football and is a nerd when it comes to learning about history. He created the show to share the wisdom he gains from researching various topics about the history of the National Football League. Each episode, Arnie welcomes you to climb aboard his Delorian to travel back in time to explore the yesteryear of the gridiron, and yes, that’s a reference to Back to the Future.

Arnie is naturally curious about the past and big into time travel. Thus, he created The Football History Dude podcast, a show dedicated to teaching the average football fan about the rich history of the NFL.

Here’s just a taste of what we talked about today:

  • Arnie’s goals for his podcast, The Football History Dude.
  • Niching down to football history.
  • How to Build an audience around the show.
  • The monetization strategy will come from what the audience wants.
  • Entrepreneurship stories from childhood.
  • Turning demotion into an opportunity to learn and be better.
  • One important skill you need when interviewing people.
  • If you want to start a podcast, have conversations on a daily basis.
  • No matter how large the crowd, you only speak to an individual.
  • We’re all in the business of gathering attention and use that to help solve problems.
  • Discipline equals freedom.

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The HERO Challenge

Today on the show, Arnie Chapman challenged Charlie to be a guest on The HERO Show. Arnie thinks that Charlie is a fantastic interview because he is one of Arnie’s mentors and a great speaker and connector. 

How To Stay Connected With Arnie Chapman

Want to stay connected with Arnie? Please check out their social profiles below.

Also, The 4-Hour Chef by Timothy Ferriss was mentioned on the show. You can find that here: 

Call To Adventure

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The Webinar Alchemy Workshop: https://fivefreedoms.io/richard/fs/waw-slf/

Music: https://www.purple-planet.com/

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Richard Matthews

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