Episode 055 – Manisha Singal
Welcome to another episode of The HERO Show. I am your host Richard Matthews, (@AKATheAlchemist) and you are listening to Episode 055 with Manisha Singal – Healer, Educator, & Entrepreneur at the Forefront of the Cannabis Movement.
Manisha Singal is at the forefront of the cannabis movement. She is currently leading the effort to create one of the country’s first hospital-based pain management centers using CBD/THC. She is certified to prescribe medical cannabis in Washington, D.C., and is a member of Americans for Safe Access, Women’s Grow, and the International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS).
Born in India, Manisha immigrated to the US as a child. Her family settled in Pittsburgh, where she excelled at school, eventually attending the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating with honors, she attended the George Washington University School of Medicine, earning her MD and heading several research projects. She completed her residency at Georgetown University. After working as a medical director of a critical care center in Washington, D.C., she accepted the position of Chief Medical Officer at Specialty Hospitals of Washington, D.C. in 2005. Ten years later, she moved to the same role at Bridgepoint Hospital, where she continues to practice.
Manisha currently splits her time between Washington, D.C. and Miami Beach, Florida. As Chief Medical Officer for Aethera, she applies personal and professional insight into formula development. She is currently writing a book about CBD to demystify its benefits for personal use and skincare.
Here’s just a taste of what we talked about today:
- Being a healer and entrepreneur.
- Unlocking the potential of Cannabis.
- The differences between THC and CBD and all their health benefits.
- Additives to CBD results in different effects on your body.
- Educate yourself on what you are ingesting or applying on your body.
- The entourage effect.
- The reason why Marijuana is regulated differently from alcohol and tobacco.
- Educating state lawmakers on CBD and THC.
- The biggest opportunities in the CBD and hemp space.
- Businesses need to be sustainable and responsible on how the environment is treated.
- Discovering the power of delegation.
- Developing products with end users in mind.
- Women are converging at the forefront of the cannabis movement.
- How to handle marketing for a product that is not federally legal but is legal in the state level.
- The dangers of losing life over polypharmacy.
- The ultimate education is on the mind – how we think.
- Giving yourself permission to play is the foundation of productivity.
- Educators must allow people their own choices.
- Manisha’s mission is not about success or failure. It’s about the path she has taken.
The HERO Challenge
Today on the show, Manisha singal challenged her best friend, lifepartner, and husband Rengan Rajaratnam to be a guest on The HERO Show.
How To Stay Connected With Manisha Singal
Want to stay connected with Manisha? Please check out their social profiles below.
- Website: www.aetherabeauty.com
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The Webinar Alchemy Workshop: https://fivefreedoms.io/richard/fs/waw-slf/
Automated Transcription
Richard Matthews
Hello, and welcome back to the HERO Show.
My name is Richard Matthews.
And I am on the line with Manisha Singal. Is that correct?
Manisha Singal
Yes, it is.
Richard Matthews
Awesome. Glad to have you on the show.
And let me do a quick introduction for you,
So people know who you are.
You are at the forefront of the cannabis movement
And you’re currently leading the efforts
To create one of the country’s first hospital-based
Pain management centers using CBD and THC.
You’re certified to prescribe medical cannabis in Washington
And you’re a member of the Safe Access, Women’s Grow
And International Cannabinoid Research Society.
Did I say that right?
Manisha Singal
Richard Matthews
And you’re born in India immigrated to the US as a child,
Your family settled in Pittsburgh, you excelled at school,
Attended University of Pennsylvania, graduated with honors.
So, lots of fun stuff going on there.
I guess my – Before I get too deep into that,
Let’s talk about what it is that you’re known for now.
What is the business that you run or
That you work with or working on starting?
Tell us about that and, sort of, why people come to you?
Manisha Singal
Absolutely. … first and foremost, I’m known as a healer,
As well as an entrepreneur. And this is what I’ve done for
Pretty much most of my life, since college.
And what I’m doing currently is –
So currently, I’m the Chief Medical Officer of a hospital,
Right on Capitol Hill, few steps away from where
All the actions occurring. And I’ve been there for almost 20 years.
And what I’ve done in the last few years, I’ve been trying
To find ways to infuse my beliefs in a traditional, natural,
Ayurvedic Eastern Medicine with my trading in the Western world.
And so for the last, I would say, four years and change,
I’ve been really studying the cannabis plant,
And how it’s been used for thousands of years and
Where could it have some potential possibilities
In today’s culture and needs. And along with that,
As I’ve been exploring, I started a company called Athera Beauty.
It’s a little hard to pronounce with A-E-T-H-E-R-A Beauty.
And again, it’s exploring skin health, skincare,
Using a lot of natural botanical active products.
Again infusing the cannabis CBD seed oil,
How does that really affect our health?
Few more things, I actually wrote a book on cannabis and
Cannabinoids, its coming out next year in July.
Focused on skincare initially because this was where I thought
I can really work with CBD and see how it really does for all of us.
I did a deep dive with that book. And as you just mentioned,
I’ve been leading efforts and trying to get experts,
Literally from around the country and from DC itself,
To come together to see how we can use cannabis CBD.
And ask and when the federal rules allow for it.
Medical marijuana in our hospitalized patients, as many people know,
We’re riddled with pain addiction, complications from all these
Different types of drugs, for all these different ailments.
And I think that as we unlock some of the
Medical potential properties of cannabis,
This will have a really exciting role for my patients
In my own hospital.
Richard Matthews
It’s really interesting. So, for my audience,
I’m not sure how this goes for most people,
But I know in my life, Cannabis was a -as long as it was illegal,
It was never a thing that was on the table for us.
So we didn’t know much about it. And we – We travel full time.
We’re currently in Washington State and Got into Oregon and
It’s legal here, and it’s all over the place. We got it. It’s kind of funny.
We went to a little tourist town and they have little downtown shops.
They’ve got the candy store and the stuff and
There’s like 15 shops on a little downtown.
And three of them are cannabis shops.
They really like the cannabis around here.
Manisha Singal
Richard Matthews
And and so my wife and I were like,
“We should try some of those edibles.”
We’re probably never going to smoke anything in our lives,
But we went out some of the some of the chocolates and tried them.
And it’s like a completely different experience.
I guess, I relate it to, I don’t know, if you’ve ever drank enough wine
To feel a little tipsy. That’s sort of what cannabis does to you.
Manisha Singal
I do you enjoy some wine.
Richard Matthews
So for those of us who are not real familiar with cannabis and THC.
I didn’t know there was a difference between THC and CBD
And what that difference was, and I didn’t know
What some of the beneficial properties of THC were other than,
Like, it was supposed to make you feel like
You’re drinking plenty of wine. But there’s a bunch
Of other benefits to it as well, that I haven’t really learned.
I hadn’t learned about until recently.
So I’m curious to just sort of hear from an expert.
What are some of the the main parts of THC and CBD,
What’s the difference and why do people use it?
And smoking versus edibles and what are some of the benefits of it?
Manisha Singal
That’s a huge topic and how much time do we have?
Richard Matthews
We could we could probably go all day on just that stuff,
But just like a quick rundown for people
So they just, they can have context for the rest of our conversation.
Manisha Singal
I’ll just keep it really simple.
Because it is very complicated. So CBD / THC, they’re both chemicals.
They’re one of a hundred plus chemicals from the cannabis plant.
So that’s number one. What we know today, as the hemp plant
And the marijuana plant, they’re both cannabis plants.
But the way we’ve defined them, the difference between the two,
Especially here in the US, is that the hemp plant
Has shared very minutiae amounts of THC,
Or what we know as marijuana.
What gives people that experience of the high.
Whether people get high from wine or
They get the lows from wine, but THC is really known
As the psycho active component chemical from these plans.
Whereas the marijuana plant has a pretty high dose
Concentration of THC along with all the other cannabinoids.
So currently the US with legal, at this time,
Is working with the hemp plant.
So plants that have no to maybe less than 3% of THC in it.
So what are the properties? Well, we’re still trying
To discover from a science standpoint,
What are all those properties? How the CBD really affect us?
Other than what we know on TV or in our experience
That we may have smoking or taking the edibles and getting that high,
What we’re looking for in CBD is really its anti inflammatory properties,
Unlocking those properties and how can we safely utilize that,
Their antioxidant properties, the calming effects
That we may get from CBD, whether we’re using a topical
Or adjusting. So this is a huge topic.
It’s something I’m very fascinated with.
I actually started taking some courses
At George Washington University Hospital,
… The school … actually back in 2016,
Where I started really learning about the bio kinetics
Of these different type of cannabinoids.
But this is where my interest is.
We’ve seen a lot of benefits when it comes to pain management
And as your listeners really can attest to,its well publicized
And we are an opioid epidemic,
Everything is about the narcotic medicine.
Where there’s a Percocet, morphine, dilauded, …
And in my healthcare practice, as a physician
In the intensive care unit in the hospital floors,
I see this every day and everyone needs a pill for something.
Whether it’s pain, this or the other.
I, myself, my family, I’ve had significant complications and
Side effects from all these pills that we prescribe.
And so for me, I was like,
“You know what, we’re learning more and more about
The potential of this natural plant as the … over 5000 years,
And as science will show, and it’s both anecdotal,
it’s experienced and science,
I really want to be about forefront, using CBD.
Richard Matthews
Like replacing more dangerous chemicals
With stuff that’s – more natural
so interesting to me that I think might apply
For our entrepreneurial audience is –
Just a common problem that I run into being an entrepreneur,
Is I can never shut my brain off. Like, I have a hard time
Falling asleep at night, because I’ve got a bajillion business plans
That I’m writing in my head. I lay my head on the pillow
At 10 o’clock. It’s 2am before I’ve actually fallen asleep,
And it’s been like that since I was three years old.
I’ve never just been able to fall asleep like normal people.
And I know that’s pretty common among entrepreneurs,
Because I’ve talked to a lot of them about it.
And just because we’re visionary people,
We’re constantly on and doing things and inventing things
And creating stuff and it’s probably common
Just in any creative individual. But anyways, very common
And one of the things that I noticed when my wife and
I tried the edibles a couple of times is I sleep like a rock.
And fall asleep, when you wake up rested.
And I was like, my wife I was like,
“I can’t believe you like this as much as you do,”
Because I’m like, it’s not really the high feeling.
At the end, I sleep better than I’ve ever slept in my life
When I tried them, which I know is one of the medical benefits
Is that it can help, I don’t know what you call it,
Relaxing sleeping, whatever. So I’ve heard that
There are different ways that you can process
The different chemicals for different,
I don’t know what you call them, they’ve got strains
That are good for focus, and they’ve got strains
That are good for different things. Is that true?
Manisha Singal
So you know, we can call them different plants or
Different ways that these plants are being, I guess, genetically grown.
So each plant has their genetic interest, but let me say this
For everyone to keep it really simple.
So CBD, irrespective of where you get the CBD,
So whether it’s from marijuana,
Whether it’s from the different type plants,
Let’s say it was a type of plant,
The Indica plant or plants that
What we call are hybrids. CBD in itself is a chemical.
Now, the reason why we make it different
Experiences or benefits, somebody say
Medical benefits is the additives. What comes along
With that CBD? Is there something from that plant
That the CBD was extracted from that
Has a component that can help us
Sleep better like Myrcene, M-Y-R-C-E-N-E. Depending
On whether the Myrcene coming from a specific plant,
How it’s extracted along with the CBD
Can have a certain effect under chemistry.
Having said that, you can have a list of—
Let’s talk about an edible or a pill.
A CBD pill. That CBD can have
A different effect on you. Let’s say
On your wife or on someone else. For you,
It maybe calming, and give you the best sleep
That you’ve had and you wake up refreshed.
You got your deep sleep. You got your REM sleep.
Now, you’re … to go. Whereas for somebody else,
That can be like the movie Limitless.
Where all of a sudden, instead of getting sleep,
You’re so wired. Your mind is active and
All your brain—synapses we call them.
Or connections are firing at this hyper mode,
Where you can solve the world’s problems.
I say that because that’s actually the truth.
I have someone who I know who went
To one of these beautiful dispensary’s.
We were in Santa Barbara not too long ago.
There’s a new dispensary open up like an Apple store.
We were like, “Can you give us something
That can help us sleep,” and they explained to us
What other additives were in that gummy.
A lot of the CBD that should help promote calmness
And sleep. Instead of getting calm and sleep
This individual literally became
The most genius person you would have met
And literally came up with a whole list of things
That can solve this side or the other.
What I would say is this: however we want
To experience or experiencing CBD and
I’m saying CBD specific, it’s not just CPT,
You really have to educate yourself on
What are you ingesting. What are you applying
To your body. Are you smoking it?
What are the other additives? Ask the person
Where you bought it from. Where was it grown?
There’s so many different—I’m all about
Health experience but also safety. Even my
Own product in a sera. We’re not growing;
We’re not farmers. But where we receive
Our CBD we know that: is it pure? Are there metals?
Are there additives? What are we working with?
I probably got off from the question
You were asking. But yes, people
Will take CBD or some formulation
To help them sleep. To help them with pain
That may help them with sensations
Of being itchy. Some people or a lot of institutions
Are looking at CBD to see, are there
Any properties that can be additives to
When we’re healing from let’s say cancer.
Some are looking at it to right size
Any other symptoms that we have.
But this is quite a complicated—
It’s not a panacea. It’s people using a snake oil,
But at the heart of what I want your listeners to understand is
In your experimentation. In your experience.
In you’re working with CBD specialized physicians,
Really know what you’re receiving and start out …
Richard Matthews
It’s one of those things that when there are
Effective properties that actually help people,
It’s an easy marketplace for people to come in and
Be snake oil salesman and say, it’s got all these benefits
That it may or may not have, which is why you’re saying
You should educate yourself about what the actual things are.
Before we started looking to the market,
I didn’t know there were different plants.
I didn’t know hemp and marijuana were different plants or
That Indica of was a specific plant or what would you call
The other one, Sativa.
I didn’t know those were specific plants.
You start getting into the industry and you’re like,
“Okay, I sort of see some of these things.”
But you have to learn that.
I learned, the THC and CBD.
THC, I guess has been impact on the feeling of high.
Where the CBD does not. A lot of people
They’re afraid of having that high feeling,
But you can still get some of the benefits
Of the marijuana plants from the CBD oil without the high.
Manisha Singal
And then also when CBD and THC are combined together,
Formulated, there’s something called the entourage effect.
It’s not just the cannabinoids like CBD, THC.
There’s CBC, CBG, CBN.
CBN is really coming to play now in the hopes
That it’s the unlocker of helping us get better sleep.
There’s also something called terpenes and flavonoids,
Which we find in everyday fruits, trees, vegetables,
Which these plants also have in much smaller quantities.
But are almost identical or similar to what we see.
Let’s say, on your orange peel or your apple or your fir tree,
Or whatever it may be …
Richard Matthews
The bio flavonoids that you see
In a lot of your health supplements.
Manisha Singal
It’s complicated. It’s exciting as an individual.
I want to make sure that not only am I
At the forefront of this, but I’m at the forefront
In a very safe effective responsible manner.
Richard Matthews
Awesome. I’m curious then,
How you would, in your entrepreneurial journey,
Describe your superpowers.
What you do or build or offer this world that help
Solves problems for them?
What do you use to help slay people’s villains,
So to speak, in your business?
Manisha Singal
Great question. I think at the heart of everything
I’ve done, through my own personal journeys,
Is really as a healer, as an educator.
Using my story and other stories in that pathway and
Helping people understand how they can take
Those next steps toward their goals,
Whether it’s having a longer life, a healthier life.
I really bring all the tools of all my exposures and
All my heroes in my life to pass.
Richard Matthews
To help people heal.
Manisha Singal
Richard Matthews
This is a little off topic, but it’s curious question,
Since you’re in Capitol Hill,
And you’re talking about all these things.
Why is marijuana not being treated similar
To alcohol in terms of how it is legislated?
What is keeping it from being -?
Because my understanding is it’s less dangerous than alcohol.
And it would be just as simple to regulate as alcohol is,
Why is it being treated so differently?
Manisha Singal
Well, this hacking back, almost 80 years ago
Because marijuana CBD has been around for thousands of years,
And caught up in what we call the whole Reefer Madness.
People associate marijuana as a gateway towards other drugs.
So, where there’s marijuana, there’s heroin, there’s cocaine,
There’s these other very dangerous chemicals
That people will use.
Many years ago, US government, in his efforts
On the war against drugs. Marijuana CPD
Got locked into that same category.
It takes time and education. Our legislators;
Regulators want proof of what may have know
And experience even around the world,
But they really want proof that if they allow
For deregulation, about actually
Not deregulation, they allow for
The legalization.
Richard Matthews
Legalization and the regulation. Because tobacco
Is legal and regulated. Alcohol is legal and regulated.
Why can CBD not be that way?
Manisha Singal
It’s just a matter of education, and people
Looking towards the FDA and for scientists
To really comment, “This is safe.” Right now,
As you probably may know, your listeners
May know we have something
Called scheduled drugs. Most drugs are scheduled 1-2-3-4-5
Depending on their safety profile and their
Medical benefits. CBD is a top of the list or
For the CBD for the marijuana plant is
On the top of the list as a schedule one drug
That has the highest risk and benefits.
Although this has been proven otherwise
In many formats, it hasn’t reached a level
Where our legislators will say, “Let’s take this
Off the list.” Now, the international community,
Their specialists have split for us being the highest.
They’re doing the same thing. Many in our industry.
Many advocates. Many doctors, institutions
Have a lot of, I think confidence and hope
That the next 1 to 2 years, the restrictions
Will be lifted. We’re looking for that because
We want more regulations, because it’s founded
Everything with marijuana. We want the good folks
To come on board and say, “For the growers,
These are the regulations we want you to abide by.
For the entrepreneurs, these are the regulations,
We want to abide by.” The FDA. We want the FDA
To say: “You know what, your product is safe
For the consumers to buy.” Or, “Here’s the profile
That we need to look at.” But it’s going to take time.
It’s a beast.
Richard Matthews
It seems like it’ll be safer for consumers
Once you have the because, right now,
It’s operating outside of the the federal legislation.
There’s no law of the land regarding
How the quality of the plant growing.
There’s no FDA approval of the farmers.
There’s no oversight on any of that stuff,
Which is depending on where you fall politically
Could be a good or a bad thing. But if you have it
Federally legal then it allows for the regulations
That you see in other industries like we see
In the tobacco industry with the warning labels
And you have to have accurate stuff
On all your labels. That doesn’t exist
With the marijuana stuff yet.
Manisha Singal
What we’ve done in the US is the state legislators
Have taken upon themselves where
They will ascribe what is legal in their states.
Currently, with a farm act of last year that came up
In November of 2018, it allowed CBD from
Hemp plants to be legal in all 50 states. Now,
That doesn’t mean that you can necessarily
Transport and do business across state lines.
Some people have found ways to do that.
But at least they’re saying, “To the scientists
And the doctors and the companies; to the growers.
If you grow hemp with CBD, we can use that now
For research and testing.” That’s good. That’s a start,
When it comes to the adult use. The recreational use
Of marijuana. There are some states
That are allowing that but just within the states,
But where it becomes really tricky is again,
Like you said, there is no regulators. There’s a lot of
Really good third party companies that have come
To … now that are doing those regulatory testing
On products. There was an article that came out
In the JAMA, which is the Journal of American
Medical Association. What they did was they went
And bought—they looked at, I think,
Don’t quote me exactly, 50 to 80 products
That were being sold online or elsewhere that claim
To have CBD in it. I tell you, there was a very
Small percentage of those products that actually had
What they said that they had. A lot of … have said
That they had CBD, it was less than, point one,
Or they had other chemicals involved in it.
We need regulation. We need educators. I want to be
One of those educators. There’s a lot of good organizations
That are really involved. You mentioned the Americans for
Safe Access. For those listeners who are
Not familiar with it. I highly recommend going
On their website. They just put out a position paper
Which they’re using to educate all the lawmakers
When it comes to CBD and the benefits
Of the plant. I went back to … there’s
Over 30,000 position papers, whether it’s
Bench research, clinical trials, which are not
Double blinded, but in your short population trials
That have been reported on the benefits.
There’s a lot that’s come to bear.
Richard Matthews
I have another curious question that I think
Follows on that. I think ties right into
The entrepreneurial relationship. Right now,
Marijuana is a Wild Wild West industry. One of the
Nice things about Wild Wild West industries
For entrepreneurs is that just screams opportunity.
The opportunity to get on the ground floor
Of becoming a big name in edibles or becoming
Big names in specific strains or becoming a big name
In using the hemp plant to replace cotton
For shirts and other things. I know, there’s a lot
Of the hemp plants. Ridiculously more efficient
For clothing making then cotton is. There’s a lot
Of other things that are like that. There’s a lot
Of opportunity in the space. Where do you see
Some of the biggest opportunities
In the CBD and hemp space?
Manisha Singal
A lot of what we spoke about. I think,
One great opportunity. One opportunity we’ve
Already seen is in children with certain types of seizures.
The FDA has approved …
Which is a medication for children with some
Type of seizures. I think that we’re seeing
A lot of interest and this is where I’m focusing.
On pain management. Where CBD and THC
Affects our brains is very different than
How narcotics and opioids affect our brain.
That’s a huge area. We can see a lot more of that
In the coming years. I’m very excited about—
And some major institutions like Harvard
And the NIH, Georgetown, Princeton, lot of these schools
And major cancer arenas are really trying to do
Some research with CBD and THC. I can’t say THC
But with CBD, to see are there unlocking properties
That can help us heal. These are areas I’m really
Excited about and you have in clothing has been
Used for thousands of years, even in the colonial years.
That was really one of the mainstays of tool.
Cotton came around. There’s so much history in this,
Let’s see, I have no idea. I’m very excited.
I can tell you every single morning
I wake up, I’m getting a ping from one medical organization
Or another talking about what’s the latest in CBD.
Who’s working on what. Where we are.
But we literally barely scratched the surface on this.
We’re behind the eight ball. We have not been able
To study the hemp plant and CBD because of
The prohibition that we’ve been in for so many years.
I don’t have the answers. But I want to be
That messenger of education and my own product,
In Aethera, we’re using CBD from a grower
Is 95% we’re getting it back checked, pre-post, just
To make sure that if we’re going to use it in our product
It’s going to have the effects that we desire.
That’s more experiential, that’s not medicinal
I’m gonna make sure everybody knows.
Like I said, there’s too much.
Richard Matthews
There’s just from an entrepreneur standpoint,
There’s opportunity and everything
From creating specific experiences,
To the medical advancements to its use in clothing
And paper. I’ve even read that the marijuana plant
Has been instrumental in, I’m going to forget,
If it’s horticulture what the name is, but in farming.
Being able to do indoor farming has—marijuana
Has been responsible for almost
All the advancements in that space.
Manisha Singal
It’s sustainable. It’s green. Literally green.
It has great nutritional benefits and if people
Use hemp-derived hemp oil. Hemp seed oil
As a natural supplement to their daily use.
But making medical claims we just have to be really careful.
Richard Matthews
I don’t know the exact statistic but I had read
Somewhere that the hemp plant—an acre of hemp plant.
Farming produces the same amount of oxygen as
Four or five acres of rain forest, because it’s a very,
It’s a very breezy plant. I don’t know what the word is,
But anyways, there’s just lots of things.
Manisha Singal
I don’t doubt it. I don’t know the details.
I can’t speak to it. But nature is just so incredible.
I think we all need to be responsible in how we treat
Our environment. We need to be sustainable. We need
To be able to preserve our opportunity to grow.
Whether it’s the hemp plant. Whether it’s whatever
Those plants are. Trees to sustain life. There is an interplay
With oxygen and the gases that we have in our ozone.
Everything, I believe is connected, but I’m not an expert
In those areas. I can—
Richard Matthews
The medical stuff is where your focus is.
Your product, the Aethera, is that
Your main business, right now?
Manisha Singal
It’s not my business. It’s one up. My main business is
As a doctor at this hospital that’s here in DC
It’s called Bridgepoint Hospital. I’ve been there
For almost 20 years working with patients
From agency with their needs to be whether they’re in
Intensive care or not. That’s my main focus. Not focus on.
That’s my main job. That’s what I’ve been doing.
My main passion and mission. I’m really using that
As a platform to springboard into other areas
Because I know too well, how these pills
That big farm companies have been infusing
In our culture as necessary just to breathe
Every single day. Even a Tylenol, and now we know
Even aspirin. There’s serious risks to all of this.
This is what I practice and preach my own patients
In my hospital who come on 20 plus drugs,
Which my team and I, my other colleagues of mine,
We partner together to try to get people off
These dangerous medications while we treat them
And outside of the hospital I’m exploring
These alternatives. Natural alternatives, and my focus
Is understand the cannabis plant, whether it’s
Is to really understand and my excitement
From hemp plant or otherwise. Like I said,
Like everybody else, although in the industry,
I’m constantly educating myself. Constantly educating
Those that come across on how to use it responsibly
And looking forward to research to guide us
On how we can really use it even more
As a tool in our medical box.
Richard Matthews
Awesome. So, if your superpower is helping people
Heal, and bringing your experience to bear.
Helping them get off of dangerous medications
And live a healthier lifestyle because of that,
The other side of that is your fatal flaw. Superman
Has his Kryptonite. Or Batman is not actually
A superhero. He’s got to work real hard.
What is it that you think has held
Your business back? Either your brand that you’re building,
The Aethera or in your medical practice?
Manisha Singal
Richard Matthews
Time? And how do you overcome that struggle
For other people who struggle the same thing?
Manisha Singal
I always—for many years I was the ultimate
Micromanager. Unless I did it. Touched it. Taste it.
Designed it. I was always under this constant fear.
Am I missing some detail? I think, over time,
I’ve learned that there’s too many great people,
And experts, and delegation is actually a good word.
I’m trying to get better on that delegation aspect.
And building teams to really work together
Towards whatever our goals are, and our mission is.
I would say, my weak point is, why do you do so much.
Know that that’s not humanly possible,
And finding the tools within myself to really meet my mission.
Richard Matthews
I’ve actually found the same thing. I was for
First 9 years of my business was the—I wore every hat.
You do all the things. Got to touch all the things.
Got to see all the things. When you realize
That I’m my own worst bottleneck, and I need
To hand things off to other people. You worry.
My hand is off to other people, then it’s not gonna be
As good as if I did it. And you realize that the leverage
That you unlock, more than pays for any reduction
In efficiency that you have, by not doing it yourself.
Manisha Singal
Absolutely … I like people. I like to work
With people. It’s exciting because you gain
Other people’s energies and you’re able to impart your own.
Richard Matthews
On a curious level. Because you’re in the
Product development space with your Aethera brand.
What is it like to develop a product? Are you guys going
All the way down to the chemical level and putting together
Exactly what you want in there? How do you decide
If you’re going to make it a pill versus making it a gummy
Versus making whatever your product is. How do you
Develop a product with the end-user experience in mind?
Manisha Singal
It’s been exciting. As we talked about, there is a team.
I can’t take the credit for the phenomenal chemists
That we have on our team. They’re actually formulating.
We have a group of specialists who understands
The different properties of well known botanicals,
Whether it’s from coconut or papaya or tamarind,
Whatever you may be. Well studied benefits of these botanicals.
What we decided was we wanted to come up
With an experience of skincare, skin health program,
Using these botanicals. Then to see how we can
Safely infuse CBD seed oil and CBD into
These products to really give that oomf. As far as experience
And calming and richness of the skin. We are not currently
Doing ingestables and … or any of those other uses.
Again, I want to be very safe. This is not a medical product.
If VRS really topical doesn’t go into them
Richard Matthews
It’s like skincare. Like help with your
Crow’s feet kind of things?
Manisha Singal
That’s is a nice side effect. I’ve been actually trying—
My nurses have been trying the various iterations
Of the last 3 years. We just launched in
February this year with our hemp seed oil
Which has no CBD, and now we’re just about to launch
In November, our line using CBD, itself. Personally,
What I found is just my personal experience, because
I’m allergic to you name the chemical. I had this
Terrible skin reaction to hair dye. I just turned 50.
Been dyeing my hair for last 10 years. About 3 years ago
Around the same—was one of the impetus
To get into this space as well. Total body reaction.
Took me 6 to 8 months to get over the chemicals
That was in the hair dye. At that time of a second rate,
There may be some beneficial properties with CBD.
The anti-inflammatory. The anti-oxide. We came up
With a formulation. And I tell you, I didn’t react to it.
My skin was more moisturized. I’m … it, again,
This is just my experience, not as a medical doctor,
To why I haven’t been breaking out in rashes
Or having acne or whatever it may be. That was
A wonderful, I would call it side effect. We thought,
In our entrepreneurs, let’s really explore it.
Come out with a really great product. It’s taken us
Many years to formally to get it right. It’s not easy
For those listeners. Let me tell you when CBD comes,
Because we’re not growers. When we receive CBD
From the growers, it comes as this really hard
Wax brown dark smelly. You can’t even imagine it
Because I’ve been to our lab to see
How they formulate this. Stood out getting the CBD
From this hard sticky material to something
That can be experientially very pleasant. But we have
A small group of chemists, many of them are women,
Which I find very exciting.
Richard Matthews
Women entrepreneurs?
Manisha Singal
Women entrepreneurs. Women chemists have
To come together. I really tried to make this
A great experience for all of us. But I’ve learned
That it’s not easy to formulate. We get our product
Third party tested to make sure that what comes out,
Comes out. It takes at least 3 months. Once you do
Come up with a product to put in this big fat—
It’s like going into a winery, you’re going to wind
Towards you see how they cure the grape
And they put these big baths and they let it,
I don’t know what the proper word is. Ferment.
Exactly. Same thing with what we do in our chemical lab.
There was this big huge metal vats. The product
Sits in there. We let it to. We see how long
Was the shelf life. We test it for bacteria. Test it
For: chemicals, sustainability experienced. It’s exciting
To be part of a team that has the knowledge.
The experience and the skill sets to do this.
So, I’m still learning a lot.
Richard Matthews
So, in the product development,
Are you self funding that until you bring product
To market or do you have investors
Who are funding that or—
Manisha Singal
We are self-funding at this moment.
And the other wonderful thing
And what I love with my team is … because
Most of our products are either inspired by
Or we’re acquiring from the Caribbean.
The other thing about this: we started this company
Back when it was hurricane Maria. It was like
A perfect storm of ideas, thoughts,
And unfortunate circumstances that really stimulate us
To say, “We want to be able to do good in the space
That we have an opportunity, in a safe manner.
And whatever we do, because we have received
Our inspiration, and we were also pretty devastated
By what was happening. It’s happening now
Every year, it appears, in the Caribbean. We want
To be able to give back.” So, for your listeners,
I really would love for you to come to our website.
It’s https://aetherabeauty.com/
You’ll see the charities that we’re really contributing
Through the work. Now, we’re a young company.
Even though a portion of our proceeds go towards charity—
Richard Matthews
Are you guys already on the market?
Manisha Singal
Yes, we’re on the market. On Amazon.
You’ll see there Cannabis Sativa which is the hemp seed oil
Which has no CBD in it. That’s on Amazon,
On our website. You could also, test run some
Of our products. Our CBD line is gonna come out
In the next one to two months. I’m just excited
Because it’s from an experience standpoint.
From my own personal use standpoint, because
If you’re willing to try and use it every single day,
Then you can speak to it. It’s different.
But let me say this. I’m very fortunate, very blessed
With all the trials and tribulations. It’s not even
About the money for me. But for all the individuals
That come together. From the chemist to the people
Who’ve been in various industries, to the people
That we work with in accessing and sourcing
Our materials. It’s exciting to be part of a team
And I just want to make sure that they get
Tobtain new knowledge. I’m here. Yes,
I’m the Chief Medical Officer. Yes, I’m a co-founder,
But quite frankly, I see myself more
As an educator and someone who is on the …
One of the first ones to even just test the product.
It’s like every girl’s dream to be part of that.
Richard Matthews
Have you guys set that magical point
Where you’re profitable yet?
Manisha Singal
We’re very young, and I don’t even know
If we put numbers. I’ll leave that
To the other principles. They are more financially-minded.
Richard Matthews
They know what’s going on with it. I’m just just curious,
You’re getting stuff going. I know that that’s gotta be—
You said it’s been about 3 years in development.
It’s not cheap. Once you get to market,
Then you start bringing the money in.
You can pay back your investments into it.
Sometimes it can be four or five years before you hit
That: we’re finally not in the hole.
Get it to zero. Now, we can actually grow our company.
Manisha Singal
I’ll offer you this. When we talk again.
A year from now two years from now,
Then we can talk more about that.
Richard Matthews
You’ll have more products on the market then.
Manisha Singal
Absolutely. Then, the next few months
In this coming year. We’ve received
Amazing feedback and it’s got—a young company—
Richard Matthews
How do you guys handle marketing
In a space that is not federally legal,
But is legal on a state level?
Manisha Singal
First and foremost, we’re not advocating
Any medical use. You have to be very careful.
Like I said, the science. The jury’s still out
On the true medical benefits but from an experiential
And just from good skincare. Our products, first
And foremost, for Aethera is really about the botanicals
That we’re using. On our website is literally lists
Of botanicals within each product. Why there’s benefits.
We have an FAQ, obviously site word. It really tests you
What’s the difference between hemp seed oil,
And CBD, and botanicals. Why we’re doing
What we’re doing and you know how we’re also
Trying to give back but it’s — I’m so excited about this.
Again, when it comes to the PR and the marketing,
We are not advocating that this has anything to do
With any medical benefit. Now, if you happen
To experience some improvement in your skin tone
And decrease redness, that’s fantastic. A lot of that
Is probably due to the active botanicals
Which have been well studied. Science has backed —
From the hibiscus flower to coconut oil to carrot properties
From the carrots. All of that is well studied, and actually
My book that is going to be coming out in July.
To share, I actually talk about these different
Well known benefits and who’s done those trials
In the last, let’s say 5-10 years
On these various ingredients. But our product —
I’m very excited about. Let me get your feedback
Or I can say so …
Richard Matthews
I think I may know the answer to this question
Just based on how we’ve been talking.
But next question’s about your driving force.
Spider Man tries to save New York. Or Batman fights
To save Gotham. Or Google fights to index and categorize
All the world’s information.
What do you guys fight for at Aethera?
Manisha Singal
How about if I just bring to myself?
Richard Matthews
Absolutely. Just for you.
Manisha Singal
To do that, I think every person has
Their own journey. Their own path. There’s a lot
Of shared interests. I can only speak for myself.
I briefly looted my own family I’ll just say this to —
My driving force is to, really quite frankly, to do good.
I know it sounds really trite. But it’s true. My father
When he was 43, was misdiagnosed. The pillar of health
That everything right. Had some symptoms the doctors
Couldn’t figure out. Got a second opinion. He had lymphoma.
Three months later, he dies from it at age 43.
In that process, I barely just started medicine,
Medical school. I really learned about authenticity,
And how people treat each other. How they talk
To each other. And what due diligence do they do.
Through that process, I made a vow to myself
To the best that I can. I want to be that healer. I want to
Be that person that helps people in their pathways
And their decision process of how to live a healthier life.
How to identify things early. How to be —
How to avoid chemicals that we think that we need
Every single day. For this and the other to realize:
You really don’t need that. And if someone says,
“Just take a Tylenol for that headache,” or,
“Take 1000 milligrams three times a day for that pain.”
Realize that there’s some significant side effects
That come from that. There’s alternative pathways.
That’s been my mission. That’s been my motivator
And in my path as a healer. In my path
As an entrepreneur, I’ve come across some
Amazing people,opportunities, groups, Aethera,
The people at my hospital, Bridgepoint on Capitol Hill.
People have helped me and supported me through my book.
I’ve met so many people, my own patients.
I think for me, I’m just so infused with energy,
Other people’s energies, but my mission is to see
How I can be part of that process for others
To find their path for a healthier enjoyable life.
Richard Matthews
Absolutely. I know that the misdiagnosis
And stuff is difficult. All the drugs that they put you on.
Everything from — I’ve had — my father was —
He had an allergic reaction, like you had, to something
In his life. He was working at a beer maker.
I don’t know what they call those people, beer makers.
Anyways, the hops machine. They have to clean
The hops machine out every month. They sprayed out
With an air thing and it aerosolizes the hops.
My dad has no allergy to hops and most
Anything else. He’s fine with beer and everything,
But find out as soon as it’s aerosolized
And he breathes it into the air. He almost died
From an anaphylactic shock.
Manisha Singal
I’m so sorry. That’s horrific.
Richard Matthews
It’s terrible, but he goes
To the hospital and the drugs that they put him on
To save his life, ruin the next six months of his life.
They gave him an ulcer and he ended up having to go
Into surgery and have some other things happen
To help them overcome the anaphylactic shock
And all that was from the drugs that they used
Which we’re glad he didn’t die from anaphylactic shock
But at the same time the drugs are dangerous.
Manisha Singal
It’s so dangerous. It really is. When my dad was misdiagnosed;
Doctors would give him this drug, that drug, for this symptom.
Pain, ache, whatever it was completely missing cancer.
Then, two months … , he’s cured. I’m like: “No,
Something’s wrong.” He’s having these symptoms
Like a psychological and then he developed meningitis,
Because of the cancer and they completely missed it.
Being a very — I wanted to go into healthcare field.
I just started medical school. Can you believe
That the doc — the doctor I spoke to on the phone. I called
Very nicely to my training in DC.
… moved back to Pittsburgh, she literally
Chastised me over the phone. It was one of those
Movie moments where you’re on the phone.
You’re holding the phone, the receiver,
And next thing you know, the phone drops
From your hand. You just couldn’t believe what happened.
I think it was like 5:30 or 6. She’s like, “How dare you call me?
This is a psychological problem. You’re going
To health care field. You should know.”
I didn’t know, to start out in medical school, that
There’s proper times to call, make an appointment
To talk about these things. It’s a long story
I have to tell you what I learned from that experience:
Listen to your patient. Be open to other people’s —
Be open to not knowing. I’ll be the first one
To tell people look, I don’t know, but I’m going
To find the path. I’m going to work with you. I’m going
To find — I’ll do my due diligence. I’ll do my homework.
That’s my favorite tagline to my patients. Great question.
I don’t know the answer, but I’m gonna do my homework
And I’m gonna come back. Bring this to what I’m doing now.
Because I’ve seen people lose their life over,
What we call, polypharmacy — being on too many drugs.
There’s a place for drugs. Absolutely. In healing.
I’m in that business. But too many times our answer
Is at one drug to another to another to another.
Richard Matthews
My grandmother passed away 5 or 6 years ago
From a heart attack. The autopsy stuff that
Came back afterwards indicated the heart attack
Might have been caused by one of
The 30 prescription drugs the doctors had her on.
And it’s just ridiculous. My grandfather who survived her
Was on the same 30 or so drugs. And in the 5 or 6 years
Since. Have been working with my mom and some
Health practitioners to remove that. They’re down to,
I think he’s on on 2 things for his heart condition.
And went from 30 to 2. He’s in much better shape
And much better health, now.
Manisha Singal
I think this is the best — that’s the best example.
I can’t tell how many patients like your father,
On all these medications having more symptoms,
Nobody can figure it out.
Richard Matthews
That’s because you have this drug that has
This side effects. You take another drug to counteract
That side effect. That one’s got another side effect.
You take a drug for that side effect, and you’re like, “Wait a second.
Why am I doing all of this?”
Manisha Singal
Absolutely. This is why — this is one of the many
Reasons why I’m looking outside of that
Traditional box that we have. A society that’s:
A doctor must have — you must have a pill
Can you believe it? I was told, “If you don’t give
For every ailment. If you don’t give a pill to your patient.
A pill to your patient; they would go to another doctor
To find that pill. Why do you want to
Lose business?” And I was like, “That is the worst thing
You could actually say. You don’t want to create illness;
You want to prevent illness. And want to have
A very partnership like discussion with your patient
And their family and whoever comes in your path
And come up with a solution. I’m so sorry to hear
About your loss. Totally preventable. I’m hoping —
Again, for me CBD cannabis is just one
Of many possibilities. It is exciting. It is new.
We’re years away from really truly unlocking all its potentials.
Richard Matthews
It’s gonna be a huge discussion. Both in the medical field
And in the political field. And getting this stuff
Deregulated, and then regulated properly, I guess.
Manisha Singal
Richard Matthews
It’s got to change its regulatory class.
From being illegal to being legal and regulated well.
Like you said, I think there’s more to the discussion.
And whether or not CBD is part of it, I think part of it
Is we have a medical community that,
Just from history,because of the authority position
They have. And with the advent of social media
And the communication that happens between
Doctors and patients and whatnot, I think the industry
Is just changing. Where instead of authority top down.
I’m the doctor who’s had medical school and
You’re a nobody. To we’re on the same level
As human beings that are communicating with
How do we solve the problems in my life. That transition
Is going to be rough from all sides.
Manisha Singal
Absolutely. But I firmly believe it. For all the education
I’ve had. Wherever those destinations may be,
The ultimate education is educating the mind
And how we think. How we identify a need.
How we formulate a process; a solution.
How we execute that. I mean, these are the pillars
That we hear about, but through all of that, I think
Which is really important this is what I tell my students
And my nurses and my colleagues. You have
To have your coordination. You have to have
Your core values. Be relevant. Be open.
And always think several steps ahead.
Before you have that prescription whether it’s
For a pill. Whether it’s for intervention,
Like a CAT scan, or an MRI or something
More invasive even. You have to think,
What are the risks? What are the benefits?
What are you going to do with that information?
Or what ifs. I wish all of that had happened
During the time that my father who I think
Would have been alive today because I know
That there’s others who are diagnosed with lymphoma
When he had his diagnosis that are still alive ’til today.
I wish that with earlier diagnosis. Who knows why
And how he was exposed to what had led him
To have that. But I mean, it was a horrible death.
He had pain. He had suffering. He had people
Who didn’t believe him. Or didn’t believe
His family when they said; “Something’s going on here.”
And then he passed —
Richard Matthews
Not psychological when you die from it.
Manisha Singal
Exactly. I see that with my patients so I’m in
I’m receiving people because of this trauma
The reactive industry of healthcare. I’m like the catcher.
Or this ill effect or whatever it may be.
Timely or chronic, whatever it may be. What I’m doing —
I’ve been always interested doing is really
Putting myself on the forefront. Who lifestyle —
Richard Matthews
How do you have a healthy lifestyle? How do you
Eat well? How do you take care of your body
So, it is protected from these things in the first place.
Manisha Singal
How do you sleep well, by the way, as much as
Entrepreneurs get a little less sleep, can you imagine
The productivity we would have if
We had another hour of sleep?
Richard Matthews
I know. One of my core tenants, we talked about
All the time on this show is I tell people, “You have
To give yourself permission to play.” And I refer to that
As recreation, relaxation, sleeping, that kind of stuff.
It is not a result of productivity. It’s a foundation
Of productivity. It’s not a reward for being productive.
It’s something you have to have in order to be productive.
And I think so many people, particularly entrepreneurs,
Miss that. So, I tell them all the time, “You got
To give yourself permission to play.”
Manisha Singal
I’ll give you something that parallels that.
I always say is to be kind to yourself. It took
A long time for me to understand that. You just have
To be kind to yourself for all the same reasons
That you’ve just mentioned.
Parse through that. This is our one life. And irrespective
What people make leave, and I’m Hindu. I know
Reincarnation runs strong but this is the one life
That I had visibility in — conscious of —
Let’s put it that way. Why not enjoy it?
And be safe in the process and follow …
Music is by Purple Planet Music. Visit https://www.purple-planet.com/
Richard Matthews
I got a couple more questions here to fend off.
One of them is about your own personal heroes.
You alluded to this a little bit earlier. I’m curious.
Frodo had Gandalf. Luke had Obi Wan. Robert Kiyosaki
Had his Rich Dad. Who were some of your heroes?
Were they real life mentors, speakers or authors,
Peers who were a couple of years ahead of you
And how important have they been to what you’ve
Accomplished so far in your medical career
And in your Aethera company?
Manisha Singal
Absolutely. Yes, I’ve would — obviously my father.
I mean, that was very life defining for me.
It really put me on a path that opened my eyes.
But even before then, as I’ve mentioned, I was born
In India. Came when I was 2. Somehow we land in Pittsburgh.
Definitely a Steelers’ fan. I pray for them. But very early on,
I used to go back to India every year. I would
Do schooling there and school in the US. Had
Great exposures. And my grandfather with what little
He had was quite charitable. I don’t know if he did this
By design to influence me. It worked, but he used
To take me to clinics where people would wait in line
For hours just to be seen by a doctor. He would also
Take me to places where they’d be lot of people
Who were living in the street and didn’t have much.
I remember once that we’ve bought a whole — boxes
Full of blankets. I remember literally, I was very young,
I remember handing blankets with my grandfather,
To people are on the street. So they had some protection
And it wouldn’t get cold. Then we went back a few days,
I just wanted to see it. All the blankets were gone
And I was really surprised. I said, “Grandpa, why
Are there no blankets?” He told me that they probably
Sold their blankets. And so one because think, the whole purpose
For the blanket is for them to get the benefit
Of the blanket. But they had another purpose for it.
Unless I took from that, and what he instilled in me was:
Whatever your action is, irrespective how someone
May receive that. A blanket or selling for money.
They received a benefit from that. In my years
Of — in all the influencers of my life, and especially
As a healer, what I realized that this was all so
Very hard. A patient of mine taught me
Some lessons with this. As much as we may think
We have answers and we have the prescriptions.
We know what tests need to be done.
We don’t have to fight this or that illness or cancer.
You have to be … as to how …
What experiences they’ve gone through.
What they want to take from it and whatnot.
And give respect to that. I don’t come across
As a very complicated person. An individual
With many influencers in my life. But there’s
A patient of mine who had cancer and much older.
He was in his 70s-80s. And he sat me down
As a young doctor. He said, “Let me teach you something.
I know you want to heal me, but I am healed.
I’ve had this wonderful life. I know that doctors
Want to give me chemicals for my cancer.
But I don’t want to lose certain enjoyment on life
Because, now, I’m taking these chemicals with cancer.”
So, in all these different stages of my life,
I’ve been having lessons. I’ve been fueling who I am.
How I interact with people. And how I want to be
In that role as a healer and as an entrepreneur.
Richard Matthews
It’s really fascinating too. Because it’s actually something
That’s come up on this show before. Not in this context.
But the idea that the experience is created
From whatever it is that you do or provide is actually
Only ever half done until the person on the other side
Receives it. It’s come up in the context before of —
Like writing. If you write a book, you only ever write
Half of a story. Because the story doesn’t really happen
Until someone reads it and it comes alive in their head.
There’s two parts to that creation. Part of it
Is the actual writing. The other part is the reading of it
Before you’ve actually had something come to life.
It’s almost the same type of experience in the
Medical care, is you have a thing that you’re giving
To your patient, but then the patient has the receipt
That — how they receive that care.
That’s what, I guess, brings it to fruition.
Manisha Singal
Absolutely. I had so many. In my life. Trying to be
More a delegator, not a micromanager. Allowing people
Their own choices, even if I think I have the answer,
But giving respect and saying, “If I can be my role
As an educator, is that partnership.” That handoff,
Just as you’ve mentioned, they have to receive it
And what they do with it, you can only take responsibility
For large part of what you offer somebody else
That has to take it from there. I was trying to tell you,
I am so fortunate in my life, and every day for me,
And I tell everyone, every day for us is a blessing.
The choices that we make. What we’re able to knock
Off our list. Wherever it may be in our phone
Or computers or on a napkin. You have
To allow yourself, your successes. Allow yourself
Which you can’t —
Your near successes. And you have to allow yourself your losses.
Richard Matthews
You can’t move forward without messing it up a little bit.
Manisha Singal
And working with the — I’m just so privileged
To work with the people at Aethera. I’m learning
So much from them. I’m so fortunate to working
With the people at my hospital for all the trials,
Tribulations, and healthcare. I’m trying to chart
A new path and really explore the potential
Of the Cannabis plant and where does that interplay
With what I do on a day to day basis.
Richard Matthews
Awesome. Well, with that, let’s bring it home for our listeners.
Last question about you is what are the top one or two
Guiding principles or actions that you use on a regular basis
That you think contribute to the success
And influence that you enjoy today?
Manisha Singal
Again, I think there’s so many cross intersections
Before we’ve spoken about. But I think one of —
It’s really just making sure every day when I wake up,
I say a blessing, number one. I really try to focus on:
What is my core values? Am I living the life true
To my mission? And it’s not onerous. It’s not like
I have to write things down, but it’s just okay.
Am I, on the path of doing what I want to do
In the manner that I am. It’s not about success
Or failure. It’s about the path that I’m taking.
Then it’s about: say to myself, I gotta be kind to myself.
I will achieve what I can and just have
These wonderful experience with other people
And to the most that I can try to prevent. I don’t want
To be like those that I’ve seen, with my father
And with other people that have been so closed minded,
And harmful under closed mindedness.
So this is as simple as it gets me.
Richard Matthews
I had my voice on mute so I wasn’t messing up
The audio. I said that it’s a good point too.
Just making sure that you’re waking up every day
And following through with things you
Want to follow through with because if you
Don’t keep it cognizant, you can veer off path
Pretty easily. Like in sailing, if you’re off
By half a degree, you’ll end up on a different country.
Manisha Singal
That’s another fact. I did not know.
Richard Matthews
If you’re trying to go in a straight line, if you’re off
Just a little bit, you go 1000 miles, you’re off
A really long ways from where you want to be.
So it’s good idea to constantly just check.
Manisha Singal
Course correct.
Richard Matthews
Course correct. Make sure that we’re going the right way.
Makes a lot of sense. Last thing, we do the show
To all of our guests. I call it the Hero Challenge.
Is pretty simple. It’s a challenge that I issue
It’s basically this: Do you have someone in your life
Or in your network who you think has a
Cool entrepreneurial story? Who are they? First names
Are fine. And why do you think they should come
On our show and share their story?
Manisha Singal
That’s easy. My best friend, my life partner,
My husband. I think he has a story
But for so many people. His whole life has been
Dedicated to helping others. He works with
That many don’t know. His name is Rengan. R-E-N-G-A-N
What was the challenge? What am I putting —
Richard Matthews
Basically, who are they and why do you think
They should come share their story on our show?
Manisha Singal
Now I as much as I shared with you,
He’s been a great inspiration not only for me,
The Innocence Project. There’s a whole story behind that.
I’m just so proud of him, but I always see him,
Which is where he likes to be. He always wants
To be in a background. He never wants to show himself but —
Richard Matthews
Is he the gentlemen I saw earlier who was
Helping us get the audio working in the beginning?
Manisha Singal
Yes. He’s also very technically enabled.
I have to say, of recent and so many years.
We’ve been married for 5 years.
That’s a great story there too. But he’s been
My hero. And he’s been here for many people.
Richard Matthews
We’ll definitely see if we can get him on the show
At some point and hear his story. Last thing,
Thank you so much for coming on the show.
Really appreciate it. Where can people find you?
Find your products? And who are
The ideal people to come and check those things out?
Manisha Singal
The ideal people, it’s easy, it’s really anybody
And these products is just for grit skincare.
For Aethera, it’s https://aetherabeauty.com/
And there’s a host of information on that website.
Our non-CBD skincare line is on Amazon,
Again under Aethera Beauty. If you put that in Amazon,
You’ll see that but the host of our products
Will be available on our site now. We are working —
Our products are also if you’re out in the East Coast
At Shen Beauty. That’s a great natural healthcare company.
We’re working with people like Beautylish.
There’s a host of people have really worked with
And there’s some new developments that
Are coming up. I’m not sure if I can actually —
I’ll put it out there very excited that a company,
Anthropologie is looking at working with us,
For instant wellness platforms out in the
State of California and Washington, which I think
You said that’s where you are now.
Richard Matthews
That’s where we’re currently at. We’ll be
In California in a couple weeks. But right now
We’re in Washington. So it’s https://aetherabeauty.com/
If you want to check out the products,
And if you’re listening to this, and you have skin,
Sounds like they would be definitely good products
To check out. If you don’t have skin, you probably
Need to go talk to a doctor.
Manisha Singal
I have to say that always have a good doctor
Or a team of doctors. But again, cautious about the pills.
Richard Matthews
Definitely. Again, thank you so much for coming on
And sharing your story today. Really interesting.
Definitely an interesting topic. Because it’s a wide open space
That we’re seeing a lot of entrepreneurial activity happen.
It’s always fun to watch an industry go through
That Wild West phase and eventually it’ll go through
That consolidation phase and then it’s going
To ramp up and it’s something we’ve seen
In industry after industry after industry. Everything
From technologies to other things to
Have someone who’s on the forefront
Of a burgeoning industry, talking about what you’re doing
And how you’re doing it. I think we’ll hear a lot more
About your company over the next 10-15 years.
So, that’ll be exciting.
Manisha Singal
Richard, thank you so much for this opportunity. I look forward
To hearing your podcasts which I’ve been listening to.
They’re very exciting. Very interesting people
That you’ve been talking to. Thank you.
Richard Matthews
Thanks for coming on. Any final words of wisdom
For our audience before we hit the done record button.
Manisha Singal
Final words of wisdom is what I’ve said.
Every day is a blessing no matter what our trials
And tribulations are. Just give yourself some credit.
And get some good sleep as well.
Richard Matthews
You heard her, go get a good nap.
Thanks for coming on.
Manisha Singal
Thank you.
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Richard Matthews
Would You Like To Have A Content Marketing Machine Like “The HERO Show” For Your Business?
The HERO Show is produced and managed by PushButtonPodcasts a done-for-you service that will help get your show out every single week without you lifting a finger after you’ve pushed that “stop record” button.
They handle everything else: uploading, editing, transcribing, writing, research, graphics, publication, & promotion.
All done by real humans who know, understand, and care about YOUR brand… almost as much as you do.
Empowered by our their proprietary technology their team will let you get back to doing what you love while we they handle the rest.
Check out PushButtonPodcasts.com/hero for 10% off the lifetime of your service with them and see the power of having an audio and video podcast growing and driving awareness, attention, & authority in your niche without you having to life more a finger to push that “stop record” button.

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A peak behind the masks of modern day super heroes. What makes them tick? What are their super powers? Their worst enemies? What's their kryptonite? And who are their personal heroes? Find out by listening now
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