Episode 053 – Jayne Sanders
Welcome to another episode of The HERO Show. I am your host Richard Matthews, (@AKATheAlchemist) and you are listening to Episode 053 with Jayne Sanders – The Hand Analyst–Helping You Discover Your Innate Purpose.
Jayne Sanders is a Master Scientific Hand Analyst and Purpose & Law of Attraction Coach who was featured in a FORBES article about her work. Jayne Sanders helps leaders, business owners, and managers love their lives and their work.
After an MBA and many years in the corporate world, Jayne did a complete 180 and now reveals to people their innate purpose, special gifts, and blind spots, then guides them into the inspired meaning, passion and fulfillment they crave in life and work. Corporate and team benefits are numerous as well.
When not doing her purpose work, Jayne can be found out on the trail riding her beautiful Arabian/Appaloosa horse, Darby, or eating dark chocolate.
Here’s just a taste of what we talked about today:
- Hand analysis – an assessment tool.
- Identifying how you are meant to make a difference in the world.
- The journey from the corporate world to being a hand analyst.
- Helping people feel inspired and on fire.
- Seeing the potential in people and inspire them to blossom.
- Not everyone has to change careers.
- Reading life’s foundation from fingerprints.
- Everything has a master path and a student path. The student path of anything creative things is referred to as the fear of rejection.
- Being aware of self-criticism.
- Like attracts like, whether we want it to or not.
- Our blueprint is in our hands to help us make the difference we’re meant to make and love our lives.
- Having the courage to be authentic and to stand up to things that scare you.
- Courage is action despite the fear.
- Setting up boundaries and self-care.
- Calendar tips and tricks
- Self-care and watching boundaries.
Recommended tools:
- Calendar
- Email Drafts
The HERO Challenge
Today on the show, Jayne Sanders challenged Kami Guildner – host of Extraordinary Women Podcast – to be a guest on The HERO Show.
How To Stay Connected With Jayne Sanders
Want to stay connected with Jayne? Please check out their social profiles below.
Also, Guest mentioned the documentary “What the Bleep Do We Know!?” on the show. You can find that on Youtube.
- Website: Purpose Wisdom
- Email: jayne@purposewisdom.com
Call To Adventure
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The Webinar Alchemy Workshop: https://fivefreedoms.io/richard/fs/waw-slf/
Automated Transcription
Richard Matthews
Hello, welcome back to the HERO Show.
My name is Richard Matthews and I am on the line today
With Jayne Sanders. Jayne, are you there?
Jayne Sanders
I am here.
Richard Matthews
Awesome. Glad to have you here, Jayne.
We’re both sort of bundled up in the cold weather.
So you know.
Jayne Sanders
It is chilly.
Richard Matthews
… winter?
So let me just introduce you real quick for our listeners.
Your name is Jayne Sanders.
And you are a Master Scientific Hand Analyst,
Which I’m curious to know what that is,
And a Purpose and Law of Attraction Coach.
You’ve been featured in Forbes and been –
Worked in the corporate space for a number of years.
So to start off with –
Tell me what it is that you’re known for now?
What’s your business like?
What do people hire you for?
What is it that you do?
Jayne Sanders
So I’m known for the Hand Analysis
Because that’s what I put out front.
That’s my assessment tool. And then my coaching clients,
I’m known for changing their lives.
So, but not everybody that gets a hand analysis gets coaching.
But people know me as the hand Daniels
Because that’s how I promote myself … a lot about it.
Richard Matthews
You’re gonna have to tell me a little bit
What you mean by Hand Analysts because
I don’t know, I look at my hands and they just look like hands.
So what does a Hand Analyst do?
Like you have four fingers and you have one thumb.
Good job, like what’s the (laughter)
Jayne Sanders
You and everybody else, few people have heard about it.
It is the lines in your hands actually mimic
The neural pathways in your brain.
Richard Matthews
Jayne Sanders
It’s extraordinarily accurate. That’s why Forbes wrote about it.
And it’s not palm reading. There’s no predictions to it.
No fortune telling. The gentleman that created this
Spent 40 years putting this database together
And analyzed over 30,000 hands So it’s very, very reliable.
He wrote a book about it, and the foreword to his book
Was written by a neurosurgeon from Stanford.
So this is the real deal. And it identifies,
So hang on to your seat here. It identifies your innate life purpose.
How you’re meant to make a difference in the world.
Certainly not a job description. That would be cuckoo,
And I would expect you to hang up on me if I thought,
If I would tell you that it would say that.
But it gives you the description of the concept
Of your ideal work and how you’re meant to make a difference.
A hand analysis identifies the gifts you have
To help you make that difference in the world
And the tripping points, the blind spots
That caused challenges in all aspects of your life.
So it’s actionable. This is, it’s validating. It’s deep.
It’s like your blueprint, your North Star, your lighthouse,
Where to take action. Pretty cool stuff.
Richard Matthews
So I’m curious. Maybe we’ll be glad that
This is a video podcast.
Can you give me some examples of the kind of things
You look at on your hand perhaps or on mine.
And what kind of things, because I know there are lines
But what are you looking for
When you’re looking at your hand or someone else’s hand
For indicators of these pitfalls and life purpose and whatnot?
Jayne Sanders
So you’re not gonna like this answer,
But everything means something.
We look at the big pieces or the fingerprints, okay?
You’re born with your fingerprints and they never change,
Or the FBI will be in deep doo doo.
So that means the information that we get about you
From your fingerprints won’t change either.
We also look at all the lines. Now the lines can change.
Now. Obviously, these big lines, that go across this,
Those aren’t going to all of a sudden make a U turn.
There’s little changes that can make
Because if they reflect your neural pathways,
And over time, you’re changing your thought patterns
Or your behaviors that’s going to rewire your brain
And that can show up in your hands.
So mainly we look at fingerprints and all the lines.
And all if you look really close, and you should see here
I’ll show you, this is what I look at … through.
This big hawking, like magnifying glass that’s lit.
So, I really look close and handprints is what we use.
So all that little stuff means something,
As does the shape of the hand,
As does where the fingers are set on the palm.
If you’re missing a finger, that means something too.
Richard Matthews
What about the calluses and stuff
That people get from working hard
Or playing a guitar or other things like that.
Jayne Sanders
Those are always in the same place.
And where the calluses from working out
Don’t cover anything of great importance.
What I can tell from calluses is that the person works out.
Richard Matthews
Or they work, they work hard on whatever it is they’re working on.
So that’s really interesting.
So I want to learn how you sort of got into this,
Your origin story. So every superhero has their origin stories,
Where you started to realize that you were different.
That maybe you had superpowers and maybe
You could use them to help other people.
When you started to develop a discover the value
You could bring to this world. How did that happen for you?
Did you, were you always an entrepreneur?
Did you start off in the corporate world?
How did you end up in this place?
And then more particularly, how did you end up analyzing hands?
Jayne Sanders
So I started in the corporate world with an MBA.
And I’ve had three careers prior to this.
And each one, I was very successful in, but I would hit a point
Where I knew there was something else
I was supposed to be doing. I felt off track, unfulfilled.
But I didn’t know what to do.
And at least for me, career coaches weren’t helpful.
So I would try something else that I thought, I would be successful.
And then after a few years again, hit that wall.
And my last career, I was a professional speaker and trainer,
Entrepreneur, very successful. But again,
And it lasted 20 years, but after, I don’t know, 14 or 15,
I hit that same wall again. And it was oh, I was so bummed.
I thought I had it nailed because I liked it for so long.
But it didn’t last. And as my heart pulled away from it,
So did the revenue. But I didn’t want to invest in it, Richard
Because I knew I didn’t want to do it anymore.
I knew I was supposed to be doing something else.
I just didn’t know what and got one of those big, hairy life
Wake up calls, cosmic too, before my parents passed away
Within three months of each other and it just was
A big wake up call. And it was like, okay, life is short.
I need to figure this out. So I looked on Google.
I started Googling, how do I find my life purpose?
I just knew the articulation of that was what I was missing.
And took off, a couple of wrong tracks and eventually
Ran across a headline for a tele seminar that read,
“Discover Your Innate Life Purpose.” I was like, “Yes!”
So I clicked on it. And the first words I saw
Were Hand Analysis. And I was like, “Oh, please, come on.”
I was so skeptical and I knew that palm reading
Wouldn’t give me what I needed.
Then, I saw the word scientific, and that one word
Helped me put aside my anal, MBA skepticism.
So I listened to it, sounded credible.
I really wanted my purpose. So I got a hand analysis done.
It blew my mind and changed my life.
I didn’t know for a few months that
I wanted to actually do the work. But it answered questions
I didn’t even know I had. It explained so many aspects of my life.
And I knew if I took action on the information,
That I would find my way and figure it out.
That’s exactly what happened. So I was like,
If I felt so inspired and on fire,
Before I even knew what to be with this information,
That’s how I want to help people feel inspired and on fire.
So that’s why I decided to do the work.
Richard Matthews
So, I’m curious as someone who’s changed life paths
A number of times and gone down a number of different journeys,
Before you ended up here. Do you ever feel like
Part of those things were all, they had their season.
They were part of your life and they were good part of your life.
And they led you to where you are now.
Jayne Sanders
Absolutely. Everything, and I, for a little while, beat myself up
That it took me until my 50s to figure it out.
But everything I was and everything I did,
I brought pieces of that into this work. So it’s all part of it.
It’s just my past, so to speak, I learned.
And again, every – And this will apply to anybody
That changes careers. They will always use pieces
Of what they’ve done in the past. Nothing goes to waste.
I wish I would have found it earlier. Sure.
But I didn’t. So now I’m killing it today.
Richard Matthews
So you said your last gig was as an entrepreneur, as well.
And before that you were in the corporate world.
Jayne Sanders
Yes. My first two careers were corporate world, in sales…
Richard Matthews
And then my last one was entrepreneur. Okay.
Jayne Sanders
And then my –
Richard Matthews
So I’m curious, how did that transition go?
The first time when you left the corporate world
And got into entrepreneurship?
Was that a hard transition to make?
And then was it, when you came to your next conclusion here,
Where we were actually going to start doing the Hand Analysis?
Was that a difficult – to change that business,
From one to the other?
Jayne Sanders
No, because as I mentioned, it was dying anyway,
Because my heart had pulled away from it.
I didn’t want to market it anymore.
I didn’t want to create any more programs.
I knew I was supposed to be doing something else.
So it was just petering out. So it was an easy transition.
I’d already been an entrepreneur. It was a tougher transition
Going from corporate to starting my own business.
Plus, I was really sick and that,
Which is what knocked me out of corporate world.
I was, last two years of my life.
So I would not recommend that people start
A new business as an entrepreneur
When they’re sick and broke, but that’s exactly what I did.
Richard Matthews
Not like stacking the deck in your favor there.
Jayne Sanders
And it took a while to get traction, but I kept at it.
And I really loved it for the first 12 years
And made it very successful.
I was in the top 1% in terms of income for professional speakers.
Richard Matthews
That’s really cool. So what I’m talking about now
Is your superpowers. And let’s let’s put this in the context
Of the hand analysis business. What is it that you do
Or build or offer this world that really helps
Solve problems for people? The things that you use
To slay their villains, so to speak. If you could narrow down
What your superpower is in this business,
What would you think it is?
Jayne Sanders
Probably that I see their potential. If I show them
And inspire them to reach for their potential in all aspects
Of who they are. Their authenticity, their true authenticity and potential.
Richard Matthews
So, just in terms of your clients. Who do your clients tend to be?
Are they people who are employees themselves,
Entrepreneurs, business owners, speakers?
Who tends to come to you for hand analysis?
Jayne Sanders
Well, it’s all over the board. First of all – But primarily,
Because of the group’s I speak to, I think.
It’s people who are not happy in their work just like I was.
They just know there’s something else.
They’re not fulfilled. They feel like they’re off track
A little bit somewhere that come to me
For the Hand Analysis and then
Perhaps Purpose and Law of Attraction Coaching.
Richard Matthews
So, do you find that frequently, people who are feeling
They’re off track in their life, that it’s not necessarily or
The career changes in order, but maybe reframing of their career
Or the things that they’re doing in their time
When they’re not at work. Where does some of those struggles
That you see, the commonalities you see,
With the things people are struggling with when they’re off track?
Jayne Sanders
It could be any of that, Richard. So no, not everybody
Has to change careers. I’ve had one coaching client
That was miserable and wanted to change careers.
Our coaching work took a little bit of a tangent
And we worked on some other things,
And then she loved her work. So you just never know
What’s going to happen especially, with law of attraction
And on my soul certified life coach and a purpose coach.
So combine all that, you just never know.
But you don’t necessarily have to leave your job.
You might ask for more projects.
You might get transferred to another area.
You do some volunteer work or something on the side
That fulfills you so much, this doesn’t bug you
So much anymore. So it just depends.
Richard Matthews
Interesting. So the other side of a superpower.
If your superpower is to see someone’s potential,
The fatal flaw is something that holds you back.
Hold your business back or just like Superman had his kryptonite.
Would you say in your business, you’ve got a fatal flaw
That has called you back that you wish that
You’ve had been working on and more importantly?
How have you been working on it, for other people
Who might have similar problems in their business.
How they can overcome them?
Jayne Sanders
Well, in my business, I think my biggest flaw is that
I get too committed to my clients and then, I try too hard.
And there’s a point where you just have to
Leave things up to them. And that’s – I’m kind of like –
Can be a little bit of a helicopter mom, in that way.
Because I care too much. Now, as far my fatal flaw in my business
Probably, working in my business too much instead of on it.
So working with clients, instead of planning and
Figuring out how to leverage and expand,
That would probably be my biggest flaw.
And I’m taking action on it right now. So that’s good.
Richard Matthews
That’s actually it’s a really common one.
It’s something I struggle with my business all the time is
You have clients. You deliver for your clients and you forget.
You have to continue to build your business and grow it.
What are some of the things you’ve been working on
In your business to help change that?
Jayne Sanders
Live events with groups, which I love doing and
And workshop trainer and facilitator for 20 years.
I’ve got oodles of experience as a professional speaker
So I love doing live events because those
I can create a group program. So group programs,
I want to create online programs because
Some of the coaching I do, I can create
An online program for. Hand Analysis is pretty dense.
People are teaching it online now. But it can’t be standalone.
You’ve got it. There’s too many questions that come up
That I studied at five straight years. So it’s a lot of information,
So you can imagine, if everything mean something, it’s a big database.
Richard Matthews
Interesting. It’s like brain mapping except
Mapped onto your hand.
Jayne Sanders
That’s right. That’s exactly right.
Richard Matthews
That’s cool. I have no idea how you would know all that.
But just looking at your hand there’s a lot of stuff there.
And you know, I got a bunch of kids and I can tell you,
Their hands have a lot less stuff on them than mine do, so –
Jayne Sanders
They will change.
So I can read the the foundation of somebody’s purpose
When they’re born because they’re born with fingerprints.
Now, I had, the youngest I’ve read is three
But children, their hands will change.
Life experiences show up in the hands.
They’ll probably earn some gifts. They’ll have some struggles
And that will show up in their hands. So they will change
But there and there’s also genetics involved.
So they’ll have some of the characteristics that you have
In your hands as well, likely, or your wife.
Richard Matthews
And my … knows, like I have I have an infant right now.
Our fourth one and she got little fat hands because they’re babies.
So there’s not a lot of detail. She’s got the big stuff.
Jayne Sanders
But I still get stuff from the big stuff, right and the fingerprint.
We get a lot of information from the fingerprints.
Not only the foundation of your purpose, but your life lesson
Which is going to be your biggest challenge through life.
Never goes away. And then your life school,
Which is kind of your operating system.
Richard Matthews
Interesting. So I’m I’m curious.
How do you manage to connect
The differences in people’s hands to what their purposes was, were.
It’d be interesting to learn how he did the studies.
Jayne Sanders
I actually don’t even know the answer that
Because I don’t care. Because once I got my hand analysis –
Richard Matthews
It works.
Jayne Sanders
Yes! And nobody’s ever know that it makes sense to me.
There’s one possible purpose foundation
That has happened more common. And it has to do more commonly
Whatever the grammar is. And it has to do with creativity.
And it’s because of the flip of it. So everything has a master path
And a student path. The student path of anything creative,
Is referred to as fear of rejection. So here’s the thing,
If you have a lot of creativity and you’re not owning it,
And you can’t see it? Obviously, you’re not going to be doing it.
And if you’re not doing it, it can’t get rejected.
See how clever that is. So why not owning creativity
People are avoiding rejection. So that’s the one
And the only one where people go, I don’t really see that.
And that’s it’s rare, but it does happen just on that one thing.
Foundation of purpose but there’s –
I also do expanded purpose, which has a lot more words in it.
I don’t want to get into much detail,
Unless you ask me because I could talk forever and ever.
Richard Matthews
So what I want to talk about is actually a problem you run into
With your clients. So we talked about the common enemy
That you fight against. So this is when you bring on a new client,
A new client hires you and you struggle.
You run into regular with your clients.
Even if you had a magic wand, you could just remove
A mindset or a thought process.
Something that is holding them back.
What would that be? Something you see commonly?
Jayne Sanders
it could be called different things,
But it comes down to self love and self worth.
Richard Matthews
So your clients don’t start off having that?
Jayne Sanders
Well, so the way I – Look, let me say that
The vast majority of human struggle with that
To some degree, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot.
So, certainly it impacts – I don’t know the number
I’m going to guess, 90% of humanity, to some degree.
Richard Matthews
If you could wave your magic wand and make people
Appreciate themselves to totally …
Jayne Sanders
Yes, and stop beating themselves up
And stop being critical of themselves, and love themselves more
And see them as I see them.
And as God sees them so that they’ll be able to achieve
What they’re here to achieve and feel good about themselves
And attract what they want.
Unknown Speaker
Richard Matthews
So what are some of the things that you –
In the coaching part of that, that you actually walk people through
To help them realize their worth
Jayne Sanders
Doing law of attraction activities, like affirmations,
And reading books that help them just switch mindsets.
And it takes a while.
It’s not something that’s going to happen overnight, but –
And stopping the criticism,
Even that helps turn things around a little bit. You know,
Richard Matthews
It’s harder because you don’t always –
You don’t even see yourself doing it to yourself.
Jayne Sanders
Exactly. So the awareness is the first step,
Is start being aware of that. In the old days,
They say we’ll put a rubber band around your wrist
And snap it every time you do something
You don’t want to do anymore
Because the pain will train you.
So now, that’s kind of what you got to do.
And it’s journaling and just really being aware
Of when you’re being critical. And then,
When I’m talking with someone, when I hear it,
Richard Matthews
Because I’m trying to hear it, I help them reframe it.
I’ve done that a lot with my kids and my wife.
And I remember when we first got married, 11 years ago now,
It was a thing that she struggled with was self-deprecation.
And I’d always catch her, “I cannot allow you to say that.”
She’s like, “Why?” I’m like, “This is not true.”
And it changes. When you stop saying things negative to yourself,
It changes your outlook on life.
Jayne Sanders
It totally. Are you familiar with the documentary called,
What the Bleep Do We Know?
Richard Matthews
I’m not, but it sounds excellent.
Jayne Sanders
So can I take a minute to –
Richard Matthews
Go ahead.
Jayne Sanders
So it’s quite, it’s at least 10 years old now.
But within that, a quantum physicist did an experiment
And give me a little bit of poetic license
Because I don’t remember the specific details.
But let’s say, he took 10 of the same type of drinking glass,
Filled them with the same kind of water,
And then labeled each one with the different emotions,
Some positive, some negative.
And then he had volunteers come in and project
Each emotion on the glass. And over time, the glasses
That were labeled with negative emotion and only those,
The water in them turned murky.
Not the ones with positive emotions
That were getting positive reinforcement.
He proved that negative emotion changes
The molecular structure of water.
And we have to remember, this gives me goosebumps.
We’re 70% water, Richard, so think what self criticism does to us.
When I heard that I cut myself criticism in half.
You may have heard of the experiments
They’re doing in schools now,
Where they’ve got the same kind of plant
In the same potting soil, the same watering, in a Plexiglas
So they get watered automatically.
And they have kids come up and bully one plant verbally
And talk nice things to the other plant.
They can’t touch them. They can’t do anything else.
Nothing else changes.
The one getting bullied gets all limp and brown.
Freaky, man!
Richard Matthews
That is freaky. It’s a good title for the documentary,
What the “F” do we know?
Jayne Sanders
What the Bleep, it literally is called Bleep.
Richard Matthews
What bleep? …
Jayne Sanders
But I mean, it’s amazing. All this energy out there.
And that’s why law of attraction is so powerful.
You got to get the energy working in your favor
Because it’s out there. You might as well and
We’re always attracting, like attracts like.
So when we’re saying critical of ourselves,
We attract things that make other people
And ourselves critical of ourselves.
Where we love ourselves and give ourselves credit,
We attract feelings and people who are going to love us
And give us credit. Like attracts like,
Whether we want it to or not. It’s not judgmental.
It’s totally neutral.
It’s going to send back what you’re sending out.
Richard Matthews
I always – not to get too biblical on the show.
But one of my favorite verses in scripture is when Jesus says,
Love the Lord your God like you love yourself or
In the loving neighbor like yourself. The first and second law,
I think, somewhere in Matthew. And I always attributed that
It’s like he wasn’t telling you, it wasn’t an instruction.
This is how you should live life because I say so.
It was like this is the rules of the universe and
If you abide by them, it’s like giving first and you’ll receive.
It’s not like, this a good thing to do. It’s like gravity.
If you jump off a building, you’re going to fall, right?
And if you give first, you’re going to receive.
That’s the way it works.
Jayne Sanders
Well, if Jesus actually talked,
He’d use law of attraction languaging a lot.
It’s there. And what’s interesting, someone bring this up too.
Sometimes people who are quite religious wonder
If this is against God, hand analysis.
And I just say, “Who do you think put this in here?”
Richard Matthews
They gonna call … designer for a reason.
Jayne Sanders
Well, I mean, he tries so hard to help us in different ways.
People read faces, people read ears, people read eyes.
Our blueprint is in our hands to help us
Make the difference we’re meant to make
In the world and love our lives.
That’s what God wants for us. Really, awesome.
Richard Matthews
So if the common enemy you’re fighting against
Is the self-deprecation. The other side of your enemy
Is the driving force. The thing you fight against,
Anything you fight for. So, Spider Man fights to save New York or
Batman fights to save Gotham or Google fights to index
All the world’s information. What is it that you fight for?
Jayne Sanders
Well, self-love.
Also, authenticity, being who you truly are.
So hard for people to do.
We’ve grown up with societal expectations and
Messages and all that. I mean, I have a whole list of things
That I really try to, what’s the word?
I want to say elicit and inspire in my clients
courage, authenticity, integrity.
So, I think those are biggies. If people …
Richard Matthews
Those are a big words.
Those are big words that have a lot of –
They’re … with meaning. So like courage, for instance,
Is one that I think people misunderstand a lot.
How do you sort of define courage for your clients?
Jayne Sanders
Having the courage to be who they really are,
And step out into the world.
So it’s not just skydiving or lion taming.
It’s really being who we are and stepping up
To make a difference in the world that we’re meant to make.
Because getting in alignment with purpose.
And by the way, I really think being on purpose
Is the only way to that more consistent joy and
Fulfillment that people want. They want meaning,
They think they want happiness. But now,
All the books are saying people want meaning.
They want to know that they’re leaving the legacy
That they’re meant to leave and being in alignment
With purpose is a big part of that.
And I guarantee you Richard, you would have something
About mass communication,
Group communication in your hands because you love it.
Richard Matthews
I have been doing it for a long, long time.
Jayne Sanders
So you were led, you were sort of guided to that.
I got off tangent and lost my train of thought.
So getting in alignment with purpose. If you’re not on it,
Which most people are not, sadly,
Most people aren’t happy in their work.
Would you agree with that?
Richard Matthews
I would.
Jayne Sanders
So, which means they’re not in alignment with purpose.
Getting on purpose is like stepping off a cliff.
And it may be a little cliff and it may be a big one,
But you just have to trust that the parachute will open
And it will, you’ll pee your pants on the way down.
But the parachute’s gonna open because it’s scary.
Richard Matthews
I actually just did, what would you call that,
An object lesson with my son a couple of weeks ago.
Actually, it’s a couple months ago now.
We were at Yosemite and we did a cliff diving off a waterfall
Into a big, giant pool. It’s about 40-feet up in the air.
And I went to my son was like,
He was nine and a half at the time.
And I’m like, “Want to do it?” He’s like, “Sure.”
And I get up there, like, “It’s gonna be really scary. It’s really far up.”
When we got to the edge. And I was like,
“And then, just go. Just do it. Don’t let yourself stand there
“Here’s what we want to do. I want to take step to the edge,
And think about it. bBcause if you stand there and think about it,
You will talk yourself out of doing the thing you want to do.”
And he was great. He was like, “Okay.”
Because he was sitting on the rocks at the end, with me.
We were talking about how to overcome all the fear and
What he was going to see and he just stood up,
Took one step to the edge and jumped right off and
I was like, “Oh, man, I wish I had the guts like that.”
Jayne Sanders
Holy mackerel.
Richard Matthews
I have to –
So anyway, that’s object lesson in that thing.
Jayne Sanders
Wow! 40 feet, that’s pretty high. That’s awesome.
That a young boy did that. So good for you. Cool.
Richard Matthews
So well, he’s a good strong swimmer.
And he had a life jacket on and whatnot.
So, we were –
Jayne Sanders
But still just the height itself.
Richard Matthews
It’s freaky. When you stand up and do that.
I’m 46 feet up in the air when I stand up on it.
You jump off and it’s a long way but it’s that courage
To stand up in the face of things that are –
That scare you. And I think one of the scariest things
People run into is they fear rejection of their true selves.
If I actually do the thing that I meant to do
And people don’t accept me for it.
Then, who am I ? then I’m nothing. And it’s a big fear,
To show who you truly are to be vulnerable.
And, take those, take that step.
Jayne Sanders
Completely. That’s why authenticity is –
It’s tough and it does take courage because
You are gonna meet some people that aren’t a good fit.
Richard Matthews
And one of the things that I’ve noticed,
Just from a marketing standpoint
Because our world is maturing, so to speak,
From a marketing standpoint, more and more people
Who are listening to those of us who are entrepreneurs or
To speakers or authorities or whatever,
They’re more interested in authentic communication
Than they are in slick communication or
Well-produced communication. And I think there’s a trend
For that kind of authenticity.
People want it, they want it. They they crave it.
Jayne Sanders
I couldn’t agree with you more.
And actually, if we’d have done this interview 10 years ago-
So, we wouldn’t have because I was still –
Well, maybe if you talk to professional speakers,
I wasn’t involved in this work yet.
I never would have left on my big fluffy sweater.
Because it doesn’t look professional. This is me.
This is how I dress when I’m working with my clients on Zoom.
I want to be comfortable. I’m not in it to impress anybody
With the way I look and with the way I dress.
So I’m really comfortable in my authenticity and
It took some courage for me to get there.
So people think courage is the absence of fear.
It’s feeling the fear and doing it anyway.
Richard Matthews
It’s action in spite of fear. And I know, I was the same way.
I still to this day, I can’t not comb my hair
Before I get on a on a video call. But I still I will occasionally wear
A T-shirt instead of a dress up shirt and whatnot.
But people who are regular, watches this show,
Because we travel we don’t have good internet.
So sometimes I’m doing these interviews in my car.
Because we go to some place that got an internet connection,
And used to worry me, but doesn’t anymore because people enjoy the car.
Jayne Sanders
I mean, you’re actually your internet is a little fuzzy now.
Richard Matthews
… People have on here. It’s always a little fuzzy.
Jayne Sanders
It’s a little funny. And I did – I had to be full disclosure,
I did go get some earrings because I wanted to be a girl.
But other than that, I wouldn’t gonna worry about anything else.
Richard Matthews
I did not get any earrings. So –
Jayne Sanders
I see that. I don’t know how you didn’t do it.
Richard Matthews
I know, I didn’t. I’ve got three daughters.
So I have a lot of earrings available and hair bows,
And I know how to put them on and everything.
Jayne Sanders
I bet you’re such a good dad.
Richard Matthews
I’ve got – I’ve had terrible …all up in my hair.
Jayne Sanders
Any fingernail polish on?
Richard Matthews
I don’t have any fingernail polish on, now.
But I have had my fingers painted by my daughter.
Jayne Sanders
Your toenails?
Richard Matthews
Not my toenail. So I haven’t let them take my toenails yet.
Jayne Sanders
We’ll do it in the winter then, you’ll always have shoes on.
Nobody will see it.
Richard Matthews
You know, you’ll see.
My daughter thinks it’s hilarious when she put-
If I put a bow, one of her bows on my hair.
Jayne Sanders
How old is she?
Richard Matthews
I have a six-year old, a three-year old and a six-year old.
Jayne Sanders
So you do know what causes that, right?
Richard Matthews
I do I know what causes it.
And it’s a lot of fun and I think we’re probably done it for but
Well, we will probably end up adopting one more child
Just because we have room. I might as well.
Jayne Sanders
Richard Matthews
So I want to move on a little bit and talk about something
A little more practical. So, I call this your heroes tool belt.
Maybe you have a big magical hammer like Thor or
Bulletproof vest like your neighborhood police officer.
Maybe just really like how Evernote helps you
Organize your thoughts with your clients.
What are some of the practical tools you use,
Whether those are digital tools to manage or
Find clients or physical tools you use to deliver
On your products or services.
Something just very practical that makes your work possible.
Jayne Sanders
So I’m really good at setting up systems.
So one of the things that I implemented years ago
Was my calendar system, to have people go in
And schedule their appointments.
And really learning the hard way about
My boundaries and self care.
Because when I first started,
I was booking them five days a week all day long.
And I burnt out really bad. So that’s number one,
Is self care and boundaries. But now with my system,
And I’ve got – Another system I have is emails
That I send regularly, the same kind of email
When I receive handprints and they’re good,
And I have an email that says your hand analysis.
And it tells people where to go to my calendar link
To schedule two-hour long appointments and
Here’s what it’s for. That’s a draft in my dress folder.
So all I have to do is copy and paste.
I don’t have to rewrite the whole thing several times a week.
So I have lots. I have 17 drafts of emails that I send often.
So I don’t have to recreate the wheel every time.
They’ve got the links in them and everything.
So those kind of systems make life so much easier;
Calendar, skit, my schedule link and my draft emails.
There’s a lot more, but those are the two that …
Richard Matthews
Those are big ones.
So you probably noticed I smiled really big
When you said calendar because one of the things
That cracks me up is, I think we’re on episode like 55
Or so now and probably 40-45 of the episodes,
Calendar has been the number one thing people mentioned.
When we talk about their practical systems
They use and make their life better.
… Everything from – We schedule important tasks
On the calendar, to we schedule family time on the calendar to,
You have appointments with people,
Go back and forth on your calendar.
And it seems to me that a very common thing
In the entrepreneurs’ life is we live and die by our calendars.
And whatever that system takes, whether it’s paper calendar,
Or digital calendar or whatever, it’s a timelines and deadlines
And calendars really make our business go around.
I’m just curious how you feel about that knowing
How common it is in the entrepreneur’ space?
Jayne Sanders
I think it’s true. I totally believe it. I mean, I use both.
On my phone for business and then paper for everything
Because I’ve lost my phone twice and was like, “Ah!”
And it was before you could upload it to the cloud and all that.
So I was really, really messed up. And I like –
And maybe it’s my generation,
But I also like writing things down and I don’t want
To put all the personal stuff into my phone
Because even now I miss reminders that come up
Because I have so many popping up on my phone.
I’m on a call for an hour at a time. So I miss reminders,
But if it’s written in front of my face, then it’s there.
So I have both business and personal in my paper calendar.
I don’t think I’ll ever change that. It works for me
For several reasons and then I’ve got all the business stuff
And some personal things in my phone.
Richard Matthews
One of the things that I do is I have my my business calendar.
And then, I have a family calendar.
And then, my kids each have a calendar for stuff.
They’re all synced to the same place.
And so I can – My wife is synced to it
So she can see my business calendar.
And if she wants to block something out of my calendar,
All she has to do is just add something to the family calendar
And it’ll actually take the time out of any
Of my schedule things. So I got this –
Next week is my son’s First Day and we’re going to go probably
To the aquarium and to a trampoline park or whatnot.
So my wife was like, “I need to make sure you block this time out.”
And I’m like, “Just put it in the calendar,
It’ll block it out automatically.” Because that’s what I’ve got it set up.
So it’s like systems and calendar put together …
Jayne Sanders
I don’t know how to sync it like that. I haven’t –
Maybe it’s because in the past, I would do
Client appointment calendar and then I would have
Discovery calls and I kept messing them up and
Overlapping them and so I needed to –
Richard Matthews
What do you use, your schedule system through?
Jayne Sanders
OnceHub, ScheduleOnce.
Richard Matthews
So in – That’s what I use as well.
One of the things you can do at OnceHub,
If you go to the Associated calendars, so you can have a main
Jayne Sanders
Richard Matthews
Associated calendar for your booking type.
And then, on the right hand side, there’ll be all your calendars
And you can say, check these for busy times.
That are in your system, will be listed there
So you can check off all of them. See the ones that you want.
So if you have something on your personal calendar,
It won’t display any of that or show any of it.
It’ll just check for busy time, so they won’t overlap them.
That’s how I do that.
Jayne Sanders
That’s easy enough to know.
Thank you and I hope
This was helpful for your listeners and viewers, as well.
Richard Matthews
Music is by https://www.purple-planet.com/
Now, back to the show.
Richard Matthews
Talk a little bit about your own personal heroes.
So Frodo had Gandalf, Luke had Obi Wan Kanobi,
Robert Kiyosaki had his Rich Dad,
Who were some of your heroes?
Where they real life mentors, speakers or authors?
Peers who were just a couple years ahead of you?
And how important were they to
What you’ve accomplished so far in your life and in your business?
Jayne Sanders
So my heroes, I would rephrase that and say,
Just people that I really admire that I felt have
A lot of courage and authenticity and
Made a big difference in the world.
That is what describes hero to me, one way.
So all the ones that you’ve heard of
Gandhi, Mandela, Martin Luther King, oh my gosh.
You know, Jesus for sure.
Oprah Winfrey, Wayne Dyer, people like that
Who have really made a difference and
Put their beliefs out there to help others.
So that’s kind of my genre.
Somebody, a couple years older than me,
Not that pops into my mind.
Richard Matthews
Awesome. So I’m just curious, how much you think
That the work that they’ve done has impacted your business
Or the way that you think about your business?
Jayne Sanders
Well, it’s certainly inspired me. And they’ve been role models for me.
So it’s kind of well, if they could do it, I can do it too.
So I mean, I’m from a small town in southern Illinois.
Very conservative area and I’m doing hand analysis?
Richard Matthews
My wife … small town in southern Illinois.
Jayne Sanders
Richard Matthews
She’s from just outside of Quincy,
A little town called Golden, I believe.
Jayne Sanders
I have cousins in Quincy.
Quincy is not Southern, not compared to where I’m from.
Richard Matthews
You’re farther south, then.
Jayne Sanders
Way south. So you know, Illinois, like this.
My hometown is further south in parts of Kentucky.
Richard Matthews
And her grandmother’s from Mount Carmel.
So, we go there all the time. Mount Carmel’s right along the bottom.
Jayne Sanders
Well, it’s actually on the east.
So I’m further south in Mount Carmel,
Which is Mount Vernon. I’m from Mount Vernon.
Richard Matthews
I’ve been through there.
Jayne Sanders
Well, it’s kind of hard if you go down there
Because it’s 57 and 64. It’s hard to miss.
Richard Matthews
Hard to miss it.
Jayne Sanders
Well, hard to avoid it. It’s easy to miss because it’s a little town.
Richard Matthews
Blink and you drive through it?
Jayne Sanders
So, I still have siblings there.
Richard Matthews
That’s awesome. So let’s bring it home for our listeners.
A little bit and talk about your guiding principles.
What are the top one or maybe two actions
That you put into use on a regular basis
That you think contribute to the success and influence
That you enjoy in your business?
Maybe something you wish you’d known when you started out
All those years ago as a professional speaker?
Jayne Sanders
My two values are self-care and freedom.
So actions, to put those into place.
Learned the hard way.
So boundaries around how much I work with clients a week
Because I can only do so much and still give them my all.
I have a horse. I gotta ride that horse, man.
So that’s – He’s my sanity, he’s my peace, my joy.
I’ve been for the last six months
Riding him three to five times a week.
Just 45 minutes or an hour. And that gives me so, oh my gosh,
Clears my mind, keeps me grounded, makes me feel free.
So it involves both that self-care and the freedom.
So the actions are to make sure I ride my horse as much as I can.
And watch my boundaries. Take good care of myself.
Have fun, workout. All the self-care things
That are important and eat dark chocolate every day.
Richard Matthews
Freedom is one of those things that I think
A lot of people misunderstand.
They think freedom and they think that
What they want in their life is financial freedom.
That’s the thing that everyone goes back to.
Jayne Sanders
Richard Matthews
And they think that financial freedom happens when
I can buy a yacht without blinking.
And that’s just not reality. And I’m just curious,
Your thoughts on this because it’s something
That I talked about a lot. My business name,
Behind the business, so to speak, is something I call Five Freedoms.
And the Five Freedoms are religious freedom, political freedom,
Financial freedom, time freedom and location freedom.
And essentially, the way that I break those down
Is the idea that if you can make decisions you want to make
Without being impeded by one of those five things,
You essentially have freedom. So living in United States,
We enjoy an incredible amount of political freedom,
The things, the decisions that we make,
We can pretty much make any decision we want,
No one’s going to put us in jail for it.
Assuming you’re not in the vein of people
Who want to like murder people. Not today,
But for the vast majority of decisions you want to make,
Your political freedom is not at stake based
On those decisions, right? For those of us who are religious
And have this spiritual freedom
That comes from knowing Jesus and kind of stuff,
Your decisions, a lot of times are not impeded by that or
They’re informed by that and same thing with –
If I want to get up today and go to the park or
Go work out and you can do that. That’s time freedom
And location freedom is if I want to go here or there,
Whatever it is you want to go, do if you can do it,
The things that you want to do, you have location freedom
And same thing with financial freedom.
I don’t have any desire to buy a yacht.
So having the freedom to buy a yacht is not really freedom.
It’s the things that I particularly care about wanting to do.
I realized a long time ago that I hit a certain level of finances
And I was like, I want anything else.
And so all the decisions I want to make I can.
So I have, as far as I’m concerned financial freedom.
And I’m curious, what your thoughts are on that
Since you brought freedom up as sort of
A foundational principle for your life?
Jayne Sanders
I think that’s totally accurate.
I think you’re pretty wise guy, in the best sense of the word
Not a wiseguy, but wise guy. Do I have financial freedom?
Could I buy a yacht if I wanted to? Absolutely not.
But I don’t. I think what I look for
Financial wise is financial security.
So financial security, which – homeless people are financially free.
So it just depends on how you look at it.
But I feel really free because I decide
When I’m going to work with clients.
When I’m going to have fun. When I’m going to ride my horse.
When I’m going to meet a friend for coffee,
Where I want to live. I mean, I moved to Colorado
Because I love Colorado. So, I certainly … legal freedom,
Religious freedom, even though I’ve chosen
A different direction than my family, which took courage.
But I feel pretty darn free and it feels really good.
Richard Matthews
That is essentially my point. That when you have the freedom
To do what you want with your time and
You’re in the places you want to be, that feeling of freedom
Is actually, it’s not as far away for people,
As they think it is because they’re thinking I want to,
I need to be able to buy a yacht in order to be free
And that’s not generally it. When you go,
What you want to do with your time and
What you want to do with your location.
The feeling of freedom is a lot easier to achieve
Than I think we set out for initially
Jayne Sanders
I would like to travel more.
But I don’t feel not free because of that.
I’ll get there. And I’ve traveled a lot in the past.
So I just still want to do, I mean, I have my bucket list.
I want to do a safari in Africa, would love to do that.
I’ll get there. But I want to wait till I can do it really well.
Richard Matthews
So you’re gonna have to put it on your calendar and
Start working towards it if you want to …
Jayne Sanders
So that doesn’t impede –
That doesn’t feel like it impedes my freedom.
Richard Matthews
No, it’s just a thing you’re working for.
Jayne Sanders
It’s one of my goals, on my bucket list.
Richard Matthews
Awesome. So, I’m gonna do one last thing I do on the show.
Something I call the Hero Challenge, it’s a simple challenge.
And it’s basically this.
Do you have someone in your network or in your life
That you think has a cool entrepreneurial story?
Who are they? First names are fine.
And why do you think they should come
Share their story on the show?
Jayne Sanders
Okay, I didn’t know about this question.
So, many of the entrepreneurs I know were ex corporate, like me.
Now, I chose to leave. One that popped into my mind
Has her own podcast Extraordinary Women.
But I can’t imagine her not wanting to talk to you.
Richard Matthews
What’s her name?
Jayne Sanders
Richard Matthews
And why do you think her story would be interesting?
Jayne Sanders
She got laid off.
So she entered entrepreneurship for a different reason.
You know, … I did, and – what was that?
Richard Matthews
I said downsizing. Downsizing hits a lot of people.
Jayne Sanders
She was up-high in the corporate world.
I mean, I know so many entrepreneurs.
That’s what, it’s like, “Okay, well, which one?”
I can just go through, you know, 90% of my client list
And come up with a whole bunch of people, Richard.
Richard Matthews
We can reach out and talk to Kami,
And see if we can get her on the show.
What I want to do at this point is first,
Thank you so much for coming on the show.
And then, I want to find out where people can find you.
If they’re looking for maybe getting their hand analysis.
If they feel like they’re trapped or stuck.
Where can they find you? Where should they reach out?
And I guess, who’s your ideal client, right?
If someone’s going to reach out, they’re thinking to themselves,
Listening to the show, I should reach out to her.
Who are those people?
Jayne Sanders
The people that feel off track. They know they’re not on it.
They’re unfulfilled, bored, just not loving it.
And some entrepreneurs come to me, they love their work.
They are in alignment with purpose,
But they’re not making the money they want to make.
And I can see where they need to take action
From their hand analysis.
And first of all, thank you for having me.
This has been wonderful. It’s been a really nice discussion.
I’ve enjoyed it very much.
My website is https://precisionwisdom.com/
So, https://precisionwisdom.com/
Richard Matthews
… Domain name.
Jayne Sanders
What’s that?
Richard Matthews
I said that’s a nice domain name https://precisionwisdom.com/
Jayne Sanders
Well, I’m all about purpose.
And I’m very wise. Actually, my clients named it
So and there’s oodles and oodles and oodles of testimonials
On there both from hand analysis clients and
Coaching clients. But I’m happy to talk with anybody.
They can reach me through my website and
If for some reason it doesn’t work.
Should I give my email here?
Don’t invite, put me on your list.
But anyway, I’m Jayne with a ‘Y’
Richard Matthews
So, if you’re listening to the show and you feel like
You’re off track and you want someone to analyze your hand
And see what you might be missing, definitely take the chance
To reach out to the Jayne.
Its https://precisionwisdom.com/
And Jayne, thank you so much
For coming on the show today.
I also very much enjoyed it and appreciate it.
You have any final, sort of, words of wisdom
For our listeners before we sign off?
Jayne Sanders
I think just impressing on them how much self-love,
Self-care because we always do for others.
And self-love and self-care will change your life.
Richard Matthews
Absolutely. Thank you. Look forward to having you again.
Jayne Sanders
Have a good day.
Thanks so much, Richard. Bye bye.
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