Episode 041 – Angela Marshall
Welcome to another episode of The HERO Show. I am your host Richard Matthews, (@AKATheAlchemist) and you are listening to Episode 041 with Angela Marshall – How to Get Off the Bench and Get In the Game of Life.
Angela Marshall, is a motivational speaker, professional writer, columnist, bestselling author, creative consultant, ex-NFL wife and business owner of “In Other Words, By Stone.” She states that writing, reading, inspiring others, participating in at-risk or outreach programs are rewarding life-skills that has empowered her to positively impact others and constantly encourages her to elevate her purpose through words, wisdom, and work.
Also known as “Author Stone,” Angela is an Augusta, GA native, entrepreneur and positive words powerhouse that utilizes her personal life experiences of struggle, strength, and success to captivate audiences and readers abroad. She speaks with positive purpose and passion to motivate others while encouraging them through challenges. She is also a community advocate, youth mentor, and supporter.
Here’s just a taste of what we talked about today:
- The “Wise Words Woman”.
- Turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
- Using positive affirmations and confirmations to overcome the obstacles.
- Utilizing life experiences to help other people as well as to help yourself.
- Speak or share to improve, inspire, and positively impact people.
- Liberating people from their own negativity and doubt.
- Get off the bench and get in the game of life.
- If you tell your mind who you are and what you want, you can have it!
- Motivate. Celebrate. Illuminate. Liberate. YOU
- Being the student and teacher at the same time.
- Having words as your Kryptonite.
- Overcoming stumbling blocks and turning them into stepping stones.
- Good always wins!
- Without the villains, who would the heroes be?
- Constantly growing and evolving.
- Be part of the solution.
- Not always liking people but loving them.
- No matter how fast you go, you’ll end up on the same stoplight
- Be strengthened by your personal heroes.
- Reaching out to experts on other subject matters to improve on other fields.
- Being brave enough to ask for help and allowing others’ light to shine.
- Running a business is not about one’s self.
Recommended tools:
- Meditation
- Reading
- Loving People
The HERO Challenge
Today on the show, Angela Marshall challenged Jennifer Howard from Howard Sweets and Treats, Catering, and More to be a guest on The HERO Show. Angela thinks that Jennifer is a fantastic superhero to be interviewed because she is a close friend. Jennifer’s perseverance in business and through the ups and downs has “illuminated” Angela.
How To Stay Connected With Angela Marshall
Want to stay connected with Angela? Please check out their social profiles below.
- Website: InOtherWordsByStone.com
- Amazon: Angela Marshall
Call To Adventure
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The Webinar Alchemy Workshop: https://fivefreedoms.io/richard/fs/waw-slf/
Automated Transcription
Richard Matthews
Hello and welcome back to the HERO Show.
My name is Richard Matthews and I am on the line with
Angela Marshall. Angela, are you there?
Angela Marshall
Yes, I’m here. Hi.
Richard Matthews
Glad to have you here, Angela. For my regular guests
Who know, I travel regularly. I am back in the car again
In front of the beach because we have no internet signal
Up at our house. But anyways, what I want to do real quick
Is just introduce you, Angela. So people know who you are.
And we’ll get started talking about your story.
So, Angela is a motivational speaker, a professional writer,
A columnist, a best selling author, a creative consultant,
And an ex-NFL wife, and a business owner of
“In Other Words, By Stone.” She states that writing, reading,
Inspiring others participating and at risk outreach programs
Are rewarding life-skills that have empowered her
To positively impact others and constantly encourages her
To elevate her purpose through words, wisdom, and work.
So Angela, what I want you to do for me at right here
At the beginning is tell me a little bit about
What you’re known for now.
Why is it that people reach out to you?
Or what did they hire you for?
What does Angela bring to the world?
Angela Marshall
So Angela Marshall is also known as wise words, woman.
Now that’s a pretty impressive hashtag. But I actually
It kind of just kind of fell in my lap, as far as the ability
To be able to positively impact and inspire others.
When coincidentally, I actually was just putting out posts,
Motivational quotes and sayings to help myself.
And so in turn it just turned around in it and it helped others
And they would just reach out more and more and saying,
“Oh my gosh, I was watching a video that you did.”
Or “I was listening to your podcast and you just,
You inspired me so much. You helped me throughout the day.”
And it just kind of shifted from the wise words woman to
Then me being able to positively inspire and motivate others
To live vicariously through themselves.
Richard Matthews
So what most people hire you for now would be for like for speaking
Or for helping them with consulting services?
Angela Marshall
So actually it’s twofold. My business is, “In Other Words, By Stone,”
I’m a creative writing consultant because I love words.
And through under that umbrella, I help with BIOS resumes.
I do grant proposals, bids, anything dealing with essays,
Anything dealing with documentation and words. I’m your girl.
So that’s one part of it. And then the second part,
Like I mentioned earlier, that just kind of happened
With me being able to uplift others,
which is The Wise Words, Woman, I wrote a book in 2017.
My autobiography and from that book,
Which is the story and life of an ex-NFL wife,
People were asking me, different organizations, were asking me
To come and share my life. And just talk a little bit
About my journey and different things that I overcame,
Stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
And that’s how I am afforded the opportunity for people
To reach out and request me
To be a motivational inspirational presenter.
Richard Matthews
Awesome. So this is – I’m not a sports person.
But I’m sure I’ve got people in the audience who are,
“Who is your husband in the NFL?”
Angela Marshall
I was married to Arthur Marshall.
He was a he was a former Denver Bronco and
New York Giants, play a wide receiver.
Richard Matthews
So I have probably seen him play,
But I guarantee you, I didn’t recognize him.
Angela Marshall
Absolutely. You know, I jokingly tell people,
He was never the superstar, I was. (laughter)
Richard Matthews
I just, I’m lucky if I can remember how they score points
In football when we watch the Super Bowl once a year, so –
Angela Marshall
Understood, not a problem. And I will tell this secret on the air also.
My sport of choice is basketball. I love basketball.
I don’t even like football.
Richard Matthews
Ex-NFL wife who doesn’t like football?
Angela Marshall
Yes, sir.
Richard Matthews
So let’s talk a little bit about your origin story.
Every hero has an origin of stories, where you started
To realize that you were different, that maybe you have superpowers,
And maybe you could use them to help other people.
That’s where you started to develop or discover the value
You could bring to this world.
How did you get on that journey of entrepreneurship?
Angela Marshall
So just I guess it started in 2009,
When I actually joined Facebook, and I just started
Posting these motivational and inspirational quotes and sayings
Or just different feelings, but it was always positive affirmations
And confirmations to get through to overcome the obstacles
And to just kind of look at things optimistically as opposed to
Seeing the problem, seeing the resolution, I guess, if you would.
And people would just reach out to me and just say that
My post really helped them. So I think it started there.
But I’m beginning to see more and more
That even as a child with my storytelling and with writing,
The ability was always there. And then the ability to speak
Was always there because I would be in these productions,
These plays, or that church school, drama club,
And I was really, really well as you can tell,
I’m very animated and very energized.
Richard Matthews
Angela Marshall
So I think it’s just one of those things where it’s always in you,
But we suppress it because we go down this road
That we think we’re supposed to go down or
Because the whole, the world is going down
A different corporate world. And we think that
That’s what we’re supposed to do? But it found me
And it tackled me, it pursued me, and here I am today.
An entrepreneur, just trying to make a difference
In the world, make an impact, and also utilizing
Every thing that I’ve gone through in my life,
To help other people as well as continuing to help myself.
Richard Matthews
Absolutely. So it’s like the the entrepreneurial bug was there.
And just with the advent of technology and the ability
To get in front of more people, and it blossomed.
Angela Marshall
That’s right. And it started just from a Facebook business page.
And now I have almost 7000 followers on that page, global.
And it’s just growing and it’s growing.
I guess not necessarily snowballing, but it’s just is getting-
It’s increasing as it should, because the content is
Just very uplifting. One of my models, and my slogans is,
I don’t speak or share to impress, I speak to improve, inspire,
And also just to impact, to positively impact people.
Richard Matthews
Absolutely. So let’s talk about your superpowers.
What do you do or build or office role that helps solve problems
For other people, the things that you use to slay this world’s villain,
So to speak. If you could narrow down your skillset
As an entrepreneur to one of your superpowers,
What would you say it is?
Angela Marshall
I would say it is the ability to liberate people, making them free.
Free of just their own negativity that they have.
The doubt that they have, in their mind, different, I guess,
Problems, issues that they may be facing.
Definitely, with all of the societal pressures,
One of my largest one is where I teach people
To get off the bench and get in the game of life.
Get off the bench and get in the game
Because you can’t win the game by being a spectator.
Richard Matthews
So basically, getting people past to the things
That are holding them, holding themselves back.
Angela Marshall
On the sideline. That is correct, because for me
One of the things that was holding me on the sideline for so long,
And not just using that play on words,
Just because my ex husband was an NFL,
I just utilize that sports analogy because it’s the actual truth
Of how I felt and how I feel. But one of the things
That was sidelining me was just depression, anxiety,
Feeling like I wasn’t good enough or that I wasn’t –
I didn’t add value to certain things. And I just had to retrain my brain.
And I had to tell myself that I was not going to be a benchwarmer
Anymore in life, just kind of going through the motions.
And I was going to do some things differently. And being able
To share my story and share my journey has been,
Even though I am a bubbly person, and once that light comes on,
Show is on, “Hey, it’s time, we’re good.”
But I’m actually a really, really behind the scenes person.
So it’s kind of like a sword, I guess, of sorts. But you know, I just,
I thoroughly enjoy what I do, and I enjoy why I’m doing it.
And I just want people to stop being a spectator in their own lives
And go to being a motivator for them to just really live vicariously
Through themselves. Instead of the eyes of the celebrities
Or the magazines, or societal pressures and trends and styles.
I want them to just live their life full.
Richard Matthews
That is actually the primary reason
Why I’ve never enjoyed watching sports. Because I always feel
Like if you’re watching the sport, I could just go out
And play this sport. If that’s what I feel. I could actually go
And do the thing instead of watch someone else do the thing.
Angela Marshall
When you tell your mind who you are and what you want,
You can have it. Did you know that?
Richard Matthews
Absolutely. So do you have anything that you noticed,
Like a common thread that you know, you notice in your clients
Of things that are holding, keeping them on the sidelines?
Angela Marshall
Basically, it’s just their own mind. It’s just like with
All the rest of us. It’s not necessarily what is said
On the outside from – that’s condescending,
And it’s also something that is a drawback.
Of course, if somebody tells you you’re not pretty or
You’re not qualified, or they send you a rejection letter,
Or say no, of course it does, it hurts. But I found that
It hurts more when we process it, and then we actually
Start to believe it. So that is the common thread.
The common thread is just the mind, the mental game and the mental-
I guess, all the garbage and the junk that we tell ourselves,
Because ultimately, that’s what I’m going to believe.
I’m going to believe the person in the mirror,
The reflection in the mirror, more so, than I do anybody else.
So usually for the people that come to me or that I am packed
When I do these different empowerment forums,
Or I am – have the opportunity to grace stages.
The common thread is that mentally we are just doubting ourselves.
We’re draining ourselves. we’re so hard on ourselves,
And we need to just be reminded to put on the positives
As opposed to the negatives.
Richard Matthews
So it’s that negative self-talk. So what is one of your
Number one tips for changing the self-talk.
The dialogue in your head from being
A negative self-talk to being a positive self-talk.
Angela Marshall
It’s kind of like what I just mentioned to you
A few seconds ago, when you tell your mind something it believes you.
So that means that as opposed to whatever you’ve told
Your mind previously, that is not working for you
And you’re not getting the desired result.
You have to reverse it. Period. And it has to be a positive.
It has to be something that is going to be uplifting.
That is going to be encouraging, forward, motivate, celebrate,
Illuminate and liberate Y-O-U. That’s what it has to be.
You got to motivate yourself. You got to celebrate yourself.
You have to illuminate yourself. Make you larger than life.
And I know the world. Everyone says the same thing.
Well, you got to kind of, don’t be egotistical or don’t be vain.
That’s not being vain or being egotistical
When you are celebrating yourself, or you’re motivating yourself
I started this, I guess this way, if you would,
Because you need it. I started this- About two months ago,
Where I exhorted my clients and I exhorted my followers,
“Hey, dote on yourself every now and then.” “Buy yourself a card.”
That’s just like, if I were to send Richard a card
And tell you how wonderful you are, how great you are,
Why can’t I do that for Angela?
Because that same uplift and that encouragement,
The inspiration I need for myself sometimes.
So it’s just about reversing it and not having a really,
Really good balance of making sure that
You are taking care of yourself.
The same way that we pour into others.
We need to pour into ourselves like that.
Richard Matthews
One of the things that’s been a big tip for myself
When I started picking up how to change yourself talk,
A number of years ago, was this idea that
You don’t have to believe it to say it to yourself.
Because part of the exercise of saying it to yourself
Is going to help you believe it.
Angela Marshall
If you believe it and see it.
Richard Matthews
And then believing it will start to change your actions,
And you’ll start to become the person that
You are telling yourself that you are.
Angela Marshall
That’s right because a lot of things for us,
It’s not like its gradual and even for myself, I can tell myself,
I’m this so I have this, so I have this. And then I can go on
And I can actually look into my bank account and know that
I don’t have it at that particular time.
However, if I’m constantly speaking it.
I’m constantly affirming it. And then I’m putting the action behind it,
For it to come into fruition. Eventually, it’s gonna be there.
I’m going to place those numbers in on that ATM.
And those commas and dotses, zeroes are gonna be there.
Richard Matthews
They’re gonna come out. Because that reminds me of-
I can’t remember which movie it was,
But like, they make a bunch of money,
And then they print it all out, lay it on the bed and roll around in it.
Angela Marshall
That’s right. I mean, that’s one of the things that
I trained on as well is believe it. You got to tell your mind,
Constantly tell your mind.
And then once you tell your mind and you start working towards it,
You can actually see it and then you achieve it. You receive it.
Richard Matthews
Absolutely. So I want to flip the card a little bit,
We’ve been talking about superpowers and
Talk about the other side of superpowers, which is your fatal flaw,
Superman had his Kryptonite. Batman wasn’t actually a superhero,
He was just really dedicated, and had a lot of money.
So when it comes to growing your business,
Specifically over the last several years, what would you say
One of your fatal flaws in growing your business has been?
And more importantly, what have you been doing to overcome
That for other people who struggle with the same thing,
Angela Marshall
I am the teacher and the student.
So for me, that just means the same information that I give
To others and suggestions and exhortations,
I constantly have to turn it on myself. I am an over thinker.
So what that means is for me, I am critical.
And then I’m also very constructive. I can be creative,
I can be crushing with the same thoughts that run
Through my mind about certain things,
Especially when it comes to not receiving I guess.
With the rejection letters from time to time,
Or the nose or the closed doors, or someone may say,
“Well, no, I don’t think our content actually fits our show.”
It is, it kind of permeates your, I guess your ability
At that particular time. But I have to run through
The same exercises that I teach my clients and
I teach my followers and the audiences or anybody
That I speak to, I do the exact same thing.
That’s why I tell them all the time,
Don’t look at me as a person who has it all together,
Like I’ve arrived, and I’m coming to you
And I’m just talking to you because this is what you need.
It’s actually what I need also. So that is my kryptonite, quote unquote.
It’s worse because my brain never stops. It’s constantly filled
With all of these different things, whether it’s,
“Aww, should I have worn that?” “Should I have said that?”
“Should I have done this?” “Should I have done that,”
But I am getting a whole lot better at really in
So you know, I have my audience, I have my followers
And I have my clients to thank for that because
As I am a pouring into them, also pouring into myself.
And that’s one of the things that I really love about
What I do is just the opportunity to be able to share
With them because with the release to them.
“Oh my god, it’s making me so free.”
I mean, if I had known that I could have done this
When I was in high school, when I was at struggling,
Struggling teenager, believing everything that people said
And you know whatnot? I would have done this a long time ago.
So it’s not a walk or bed of roses for me. It’s not a walk
Down a yellow brick road, saying that just because
I’m this motivational, this great,inspirational person.
That I don’t have any problems. I don’t have any issues.
Not at all my words, they turn on me.
They turn on me constantly. But I’m getting
A lot better at overcoming those stumbling blocks
And turning them into stepping stones.
Richard Matthews
So I’m just curious, I can be the same way with a self-talk.
Does it come mostly for you at night when you’re
Laying in bed on the pillow before you fall asleep?
Angela Marshall
Yes, Richard. It does. And it’s so crazy because I wouldn’t –
I have had the most amazing day. I’ve had people just like today,
I read an email from a young lady.
I don’t know her from Adam, tooting my horn.
And I’m not saying like, I need that assurance and
That affirmation, but it is really nice to know that
Your words and your actions
Richard Matthews
Are impacting other people.
Angela Marshall
You’re impacting and strangers, and I have no idea who she is.
So I get those all the time. I get of course,
The love from my family, from my friends that
“You’re great, Angela.” “You’re this.” “You’re that.”
And they surround me, they impact me. I think, I turned it
One time that – A lot of times because I just mentioned
Earlier in the show, I said,
“I teach people to get off the sideline and get in the game.”
Well, sometimes, I sideline myself, sometimes I put myself
But my motivators, my circle, my links, my connectors,
They want to allow me to stay there. They want to-
They won’t ever allow me to stay on the sideline.
But this brain of mine, that is probably my kryptonite.
It is a blessing and a burden. Because the worst is
They just don’t stop, they haunt me. And then they help me.
They humble me. And then they honor me.
So it’s like, it’s a constant battle between good and evil.
Poor Angela, but good always wins.
Richard Matthews
So let’s talk about your common enemy.
So this is specifically in relation to your clients.
So when you bring someone on as a new client,
If you could remove one thing from their life
That you know, you could just 10X the results for them super quick,
If you could wave your magic wand and change that,
What would that be?
Angela Marshall
I think that would probably be, again, just their mindset.
Being able to just really pumped into them
All of the great things about them. I think, with this one
Particular client that I have. She’s very,
She’s struggling with letting go,
I just struggle with letting go awesome.
But with the whole letting go thing, I mean, it was just,
No matter what I said that would propel her to the present.
She wanted the present and the future,
She wanted to stay stuck behind her.
And so I was trying to get her to change her paradigm,
I was trying to get her to change her vision
For what she needed to do. And it just that whole letting go.
But I think if we could just take like the Men in Black,
If I had a pen and I could just press it in front of my clients and myself-
Richard Matthews
And shock their mind into a into the thinking properly.
Angela Marshall
And it’s like, Bam! You’re positive. But I understand also how –
I think we need those things too, I think we need the downs
And the valleys, and we need the lows in order
To continue to strengthen us. I think that’s very important.
And that’s one of the things why I don’t – I’m not hard on people
Because I struggle with a lot of those same things also.
So I understand the journey, I really do. But if I could do have a pen
Or have some little gadget and just say,
Okay, let me put it right up to your brain so that
You can know how fabulous and how awesome you are.
Despite the issues, despite the -everything that
You’re going through in life, that’s probably
What I would ask for, a gadget so that I could do that.
Richard Matthews
So you can magically get the positive thinking.
So I have a theory I want I want to explore with you a little bit.
My my theory is this, it has to do with –
You mentioned we have to have some of the negative experiences
And negative thoughts so we can appreciate the –
And strengthen the other side. One of the theories that I have
Is that it comes from, I’m a photographer on the side,
Like as a hobby. And when you’re looking for really interesting shots,
Generally you’re looking for contrast light and dark.
And you’re looking for contrast and textures smooth and rough.
And like you you’re looking for different contrast pieces
All the way around.
Angela Marshall
Richard Matthews
And one of the things I’ve – because that makes interest.
And the more interest you have, the more you like the picture.
And as a person, the same kind of thing happens.
If you have- If your life was just all straight up hill,
All going towards wonderful, happy things,
And you never had struggles.You wouldn’t be interesting.
You wouldn’t have an interesting life.
Angela Marshall
That’s correct. And that’s what makes you unique.
Richard Matthews
Is that we have the contrast between the good and the bad,
And the light, and the dark, and the rough, and the smooth,
And it’s what makes you interesting. And what makes your story
Worth hearing, worth listening to and worth being a friend with.
And lets you help other people. And I think there’s a lot to that.
So we do need to learn how to overcome the rough areas
Of the dark areas. So we can continue up the thing,
But we wouldn’t be who we are without them.
Angela Marshall
Right. So I mean we can let’s just take it from your show
As far as superheroes and heroes show without the Joker,
And the Riddler and the Penguin, what would Batman truly be?
Richard Matthews
Just a rich guy with cool toys.
Angela Marshall
Well, we don’t know. Because I mean, did he get him based on
Because he’s super? So, even though in the moment
That I’m facing that villain, which is usually this right here.
I think that even though I don’t enjoy the process, the progress,
The progress at the end of the process is well worth it.
It really is. Because one thing that I’ve noticed is that
Every level, every dimension in my life, the problems intensify.
The issues intensify. The negativity in my brain, it intensifies.
But when I look back over everything, or I’m reading my journals,
Or I’m just kind of replaying, reflecting certain things in my life
Over time. I am, I’ve grown. I’ve grown so much.
And that’s an amazing thing because that’s one of the things
That I plan on and that I set out to do often is just to make sure
That I’m growing and that I’m evolving. I don’t ever want to stay stuck.
I’m this complacent person. I call myself the Superwoman.
And I don’t ever want to feel like I’m this complacent.
But I also have Super Friends. So I encourage all of my friends
All the time, like “Hey, we’re not in this life, to just be alone,
To not connect, to not lead, to not be in service or
Help each other. So we always have to remember
That Superwoman, or Superman has Super Friends,
And we have to utilize them.
Richard Matthews
Absolutely. So if your common enemy is the thing
That you’re fighting against, the negative self-talk
That you fight against in your clients lives, your driving force,
The other side of that is what you fight for.
Just like Spider Man fights to save New York or
Batman fights to save Gotham, or Google fights and
Categorize all the world’s information,
What is it that you fight for?
Angela Marshall
So I am fighting for people to understand, as well as myself,
How to convert downs in life to wins. That’s it.
I want them to understand that I can’t do anything about
What life may throw at me or what other people may throw at me
Or take it one step further, what I may even throw at myself
Because a lot of stuff, I get into on my own, Richard.
I’m just going to be honest. Or I walk into on my own.
But from the standpoint of being able to understand
That there is definitely a solution.
I don’t want to be a part of the problem.
And I don’t want them to stay stuck on what the problem is,
What is the solution? What is the resolution?
How do we convert those downs in life to win?
How do we get you your fourth and one,
Your fourth and long, Your fourth and go?
How do I get you in that in zone for the win?
How do we do that? And that’s what I’m interested in.
And that’s why I wrote my book. That’s why I tell my story.
And I tell it from that standpoint, because I mean,
It’s just such a – I’ll tell you, the main reason is it gives me
A unique and rarity as a female to come from sports analogies
When speaking empowerment. So that’s what makes me different.
That’s one of my superpowers too.
Richard Matthews
Being able to handle the sports metaphors when you’re teaching people.
That’s good, because I’m terrible at that.
Angela Marshall
But you understand them though, right?
Richard Matthews
I do understand them. I know what a fourth, and fourth and one is
And a fourth and down like I actually know what that means.
So talk a little bit about some of the tools that you use
To make this happen. Your heroes tool belt.
Maybe you have a big magical hammer like Thor or
A bullet proof vest, like your neighborhood police officer.
Or maybe just really love how Evernote
Helps you organize your thoughts?
What are some of the tools that you use
Maybe their mental exercises, or the things you do
On a regular basis, or actual physical tools you use?
What are some of the things you use
To help grow your business or do the work that you do?
Angela Marshall
So it’s three things; one is meditation, oh my gosh,
If I had known about meditation a long time ago,
I would have definitely would have incorporated that
Into my daily routine and habit
Because it has helped me tremendously. It tells me
When I need to disconnect, when I need to reset, reboot,
And then also its calmed me down a lot for me to be able to face
The ins and outs of my business and growing my business,
Expanding my business. So meditation would be one.
The other thing, which is important; reading.
Reading lots of – absorbing a lot of knowledge
From different authors, from different perspectives.
And I don’t just read self-help books like a lot of people,
I guess they would think well, your motivator,
You read or your inspiration. That’s all, I’m really eclectic,
And I’m all over the place. And I can, I grab certain things
From any genre, whether it’s music or books on, or art.
I mean, I just, I just love the difference.
But then I also love how a lot of those things unite us also.
So it will be meditation, reading.
And then the third thing is just loving people.
I truly love people. I’m always like them, but I love them.
So I’m default where I’m wanting to definitely be in service
And just to help them as much as possible.
So those are the three tools that I use
The main principles when I am doing my business plans,
My proposals or trying to reaffirm my ‘why.’
Trying to get through the struggles, though.
Maybe being in the ray one day, and then being back in the black.
Two weeks later, or whatnot. Those are my three principles that I utilize.
Richard Matthews
I got my audio cut off. So motivation. So what did you call it?
Angela Marshall
Richard Matthews
Meditation. There we go. Meditation, reading and loving others.
Angela Marshall
That’s right.
Richard Matthews
That last one.
Angela Marshall
Not always liking them but loving them.
Richard Matthews
Not always liking them. So my default like,
Someone cuts you off on the road.
One of the things I tried to do in my head is think to myself,
Like, “Oh, that person is probably taking
Their pregnant wife to the hospital.” Lke, that’s probably
What’s going on, you just give them, aggressive benefit of the doubt.
Angela Marshall
Because you really don’t know. And I’ll tell you this,
When I was younger, I used to speed, because I thought
I just had to get everywhere fast. So now if someone cuts
In front of me, or they’re like zooming past because
I may be going a little slower than what the speed limit allows,
Or whatnot. I don’t even pay any attention.
I used to and I used to be like, trying to go back
And forth with them. But now I’m like,
Okay, I remember those days, not a problem.
You get my age, you’re just kind of cruising in life also. Not a big deal.
Richard Matthews
Or once you realize that no matter how fast you go,
The next stop lights gonna stop you and
You’re going to be sitting at the same stoplight with that person.
Angela Marshall
That’s right. That is correct.
Music is by https://purpleplanet.com/
Richard Matthews
So let’s talk a little bit about your own personal heroes.
Frodo had Gandalf. Luke had Obi Wan Kenobi.
Robert Kiyosaki and his Rich Dad, were some of your heroes.
Were they real life mentors? Were they speakers or authors?
Or maybe they were peers who were just a few years ahead of you,
And how important were they to what
You’ve accomplished so far in your business?
Angela Marshall
So I will say that my main personal superhero is my auntie.
My Aunt Deborah Pollard. She has just been a huge
Not only as supporter and encourager,
But watching her because I’m big on,
You don’t necessarily have to pay attention to what people say.
You pay attention to what they do, and how they act
And how they present themselves.
Richard Matthews
Angela Marshall
And when I say that she exudes every temperament of a superhero.
When it’s time to fight, we’re gonna fight.
And we’re going to fight for our place, fight for our power,
Fight for our position when it’s time to be compassionate,
When it’s time to be loving. When it’s time to be giving.
Just, I don’t know, her giving is, it’s so great.
And it’s so large, like, I don’t even think in my lifetime
If she died and came back three times.
I will be able to give as much as she’s given to everybody,
Not just to me. But then the lessons
That she’s taught me over the years, being compassionate,
Being forgiving, being forbearing everything that would,
I guess, encompass being a true superhero.
She has just been, she’s been amazing.
She’s been amazing to watch.
Even in times where I know that there’s a little, I don’t know, friction,
I guess, between her and somebody else
But still being able to love them to be able to do for them.
I’m not there yet. Can’t do that. But watching her
Has been a pure, I mean, it’s just been a pleasure.
And it’s definitely someone who I want to model after.
So one in my personal superhero is definitely my Aunt …
Richard Matthews
How has she impacted your business specifically?
Angela Marshall
Just in dealing day-to-day life with whether it’s my clients,
Or like I mentioned before, being able to handle rejection,
Being able to handle those, being able to just stand
And fight another day, because it’s not like what I do,
Everybody’s just throwing money at me and
They’re requesting me to speak and they understand what I’m doing.
And they’re giving me business and they’re supporting me,
But being able to just be strengthened mentally,
Being strengthened spiritually, emotionally, physically,
All of those areas. Just watching her in her day-to-day walk
And how she conducts her life and conducts her business.
I mean, it is like a direct pour into more direct, like, I’ve got this.
This outlet, this cord, where I’m plugged into her.
And I’m really trying to model myself and my path
After a lot of the things, a lot of the lessons that she’s taught me,
So she’s one. But I gotta say this because my main superhero
is my eight year old. I’m sorry, he’s nine.
Now my nine year old grandson, Dion Murray.
He is like a true superhero. And he’s like, literally,
he loves them all Batman, Superman, Tommy Jerry.
I mean, he loves all the cartoon characters.
And there are some other superheroes that are out
And I have no idea who they are. But I just when I keep him,
I watched him. I’m gonna tell you why he’s my superhero.
This is a kid who is short in stature for his age.
But he plays sports with the heart, literally,
Of maybe an NFL player, or NBA player.
You cannot tell him that he’s not great.
You can’t tell him that he’s not good at what he does.
And then the main thing that I admire him for is anytime
There’s bullying situations, he has the mentality of –
It does not bother him. You could talk about his shoes,
His clothes, his nunu … You can say anything to Dion.
And he does not care. He does not let it affect him.
He does not let it impact him. He just is an amazing kid.
And that’s why he is definitely my superhero.
Richard Matthews
That’s awesome. I have a I have a nine year old son as well.
And he’s a crack up, man. They’re fun at that age.
And they’re just so smart. And so if they’re into something,
They’re into it, like all the way. There’s no halfway into something.
Angela Marshall
That’s right. That is correct.
I love his tenacity. He’s just amazing. He’s an amazing kid
That has me as a – almost 48 year old. He’s taught me a lot.
Richard Matthews
Mine’s not into sports. He’s into falconry.
And he’s wanted to be a Falconer since he was three years old,
And just the other day he was telling me, “Dad,-”
Because he can be a falconer, he can start his training at 12.
And his birthday is coming up. So he’s like, “I’ve got two years,
Two weeks and four days until I could start my falconry training.”
I was like, Oh, we’ve gotten to the point where we’re counting days.
Angela Marshall
Well, he knows what he wants, and he’s anticipating it.
And that’s half the battle.
Richard Matthews
And I’ve been trying to push him towards some entrepreneurship stuff.
And I actually just had another client of mine who is a Falconer
And know someone who uses falconry as a business.
They do – What do they call it? Oh, there’s a word for it.
I remember what it’s called. But when birds come by and eat your fruit,
You can use Falcons to patrol the area and keep the stuff off
Like the commercial fruit. And the guy has like 300 birds,
And he’s got staff and teach you things. I was like,
Look here, you can combine your passion for falconry with a business
That actually serves other people. So he’s got thinking
Wheels are going in his head.
Angela Marshall
That’s right, keep them prime.
Richard Matthews
So let’s bring it home for our listeners a little bit
And talk about your guiding principles.
What are the top one or two principles or actions
You use regularly today that contribute to your success
And influence. Ones that maybe you wish you knew
When you started out your hero’s journey?
Angela Marshall
Let’s see, I think the first one will probably be-
Here’s one, I’m not being afraid to ask for help.
So in certain situations, I always have to remind myself
Tthat even though I know a lot, I don’t know everything.
So being able to reach out to other subject matter experts to say,
“Hey, I want to get better in this area, I want to do this,
I want to do that aligning the past.” That’s one of the principles
That probably was the hardest for me als because
I never wanted to show like a sign of weakness.
But I had to, again, retrain my brain that because you don’t know
Or because you want to get better at something
And someone else’s better, doesn’t mean that it’s a sign of weakness.
It just means I need to latch on to Richard,
Because I need to know how to do XYZ, and he does it really well.
And I’m going to make sure that I connect and that I link up
And I align with him. So that I can be great at it too.
I may be good at it. But I want to be great
And to go from great to excellent. And most of the time,
I think that’s a principle that gets lost to life.
Just being afraid to say I don’t know, yet to ask for help or
That I don’t know, that is, “Oh my gosh,”
Because again, like we don’t want people to think that we’re weak.
And then I’ll tell you another one being a true giver.
Because I think that when I first started out, or I know that when
I first started on this journey, I didn’t really understand
The whole principle of give and it will be given unto you.
So helping other people. Like for instance,
Today I’m sitting on your show, I have this amazing,
Some apparel that is from a sports company.
So one of the things that I do, whether I’m on the stage,
Or I do, I’m doing podcasts or radio shows
Where I’m actually appearing, is I promote other people.
So like they send me t shirts, they send me apparel,
Different things that that will help other people to get visibility
That will get noticed, so that they can –
Promoting their brand and their business.
And I will say this, by me doing that it has helped
And opened up a lot of doors for me,
Just by being a giver of sorts, or by not being afraid
To allow someone else’s light to shine.
So those are two of the things that has truly helped me,
Being able to ask for help, or just knowing that I don’t know,
And I need to link arms with someone
So that I can get that next elevation in my life,
And then not being able to promote other people
Even when it’s not my time. I go to other speaking events,
Speaking engagements,
I help other people even behind the scenes. I’m talking about
Full putting on tablecloth, dressing up chairs,
Doing mic checks, and whatever. And I’m not even the speaker.
And that’s okay, because that’s not my time. It’s time for me
To be in service to somebody else. So those are
Two principles that early on, if I had adopted them,
Which again, I’ve never been a selfish person. But it I will say
That starting my business, I thought it was all about me.
But it’s not. It’s all about others. And it’s all about
Being a service to others. It’s about impacting, inspiring
And improving the lives of others. And in turn because
I’m doing that, it’s just is heaping itself is coming back
To me full circle. So those are two things.
Richard Matthews
Those are two really powerful principles that I hope
People really pick up on. One of my – I really liked the first one,
Aasking for help. And you realize that as you become
A better entrepreneur, it becomes less, asking for help and
Realizing where your limits are, and where you’re going
To hear other people and building a team to fill in your gaps.
And that’s the evolution of that. And you start realizing,
You get up to some of the big businesses,
That’s what they’re masters of. They’re masters of just putting
The teams together and realizing that like that’s really
Where the game is headed. You go from a soloprenuer
Into running a larger organization. And the second one,
That one, it’s so subtle, and I don’t know,
Most people I don’t think see that. And obviously,
The first giving others, that’s actually a scriptural quote
From from Christ. I always thought of that as, not like a-
It’s not an admonition from our Creator, to live this way.
What he was doing, and pretty much the entire sermon
On the mount is to lay out, this is the way the world works.
It’s ike the baseline rules. Like you have gravity,
If you jump off the mountain, you’re going to fall down.
Like, that’s gravity and gravity is a thing. And if you give unto others,
It’ll be given back to you. It’s just a foundational principle
Of how the world works. And you don’t even have to be giving,
You don’t have to have like the right mindset, even.
But if you deserted people, it comes back.
Angela Marshall
it comes back.
Richard Matthews
That’s just the way the world works.
Angela Marshall
So I found those two principles to be very, very lucrative,
Very helpful. And not just, from a monetary standpoint,
Or like, I’m just giving just so, “Oh, I can be giving too.” No.
I mean, that’s in my spirit. It’s just a personality, it’s my character
It’s who I am anyway. But I found that as I’m growing my business,
A lot of times, it’s not really about me, even though I’m the one
Telling my story in life of an ex NFL wife.
I’m the one sharing and I’m doing different things
From my creative writing consultant side. And I’m helping people
They may be paying me for service or for skills that I have.
But for the most part is just about truly, truly helping
Someone else get what they want in life from a personal side
Or professional side. And Either way, it’s win. It’s a win.
And I just enjoy those so much. I really do.
Richard Matthews
Absolutely. I agree with you completely. So, last thing we do
On the show. I do this every time. It’s something I call
The Hero Challenge. Hero Challenge is really simple.
Do you have someone in your life or in your network
That you think has a cool entrepreneurial story?
Who are they? First names are fine.
And why do you think they should come share their
Story on the HERO Show?
Angela Marshall
That would be my friend, Jennifer Howard.
Of Howard sweets and treats, Catering and More.
She has just really illuminated as far as her business
And going through the struggles and the waves
And all of that with her business. And she’s persevered.
She’s persevered through it all. And so I think that
She will be a matter of fact, I know that she would be
An amazing hero superhero for your show.
Richard Matthews
Awesome, we will reach out afterwards, see if we can find
A way to connect with her and get her to come
On the show and share her story. But for now,
I want to find out where people can find you.
If they’re looking to either hire you as a speaker or
Read your book or maybe bring you on as a consultant.
Where can they find you? And then more importantly,
Who are the right type of people to reach out?
Angela Marshall
Okay, so demographics for me will be anyone who is desiring
For the first part for motivational inspirational presenter,
Anyone who’s desiring, empowering, inspirational uplift.
That would be, you can reach out to me through
My website https://www.inotherwordsbystone.com/
Or you can just Google Angela Marshall, Augusta, Georgia,
And all of the links to request me, reserved me,
Information about me, you’ll be able to see those also
I’m also on every social media outlet. So you can do a little research
Behind the scenes research, see some videos, some footage,
Different things that I’ve done over and through two years
Since I started out on this entrepreneur.
As far as being a motivational and inspirational presenter.
And then from the creative writing side,
Anyone who is desiring a resume, you need to create it,
You want to update it, you need to buy, you need electronic
Or media press kit, or you just want some consult
And as far as standard operating procedures,
Anything dealing with that, those would be –
I deal with private client from the private sector side as well as
Just the city or government as a whole because
I have clients with that too. And I’m also a ghost writer,
I am writing, helping a professor here.
Locally in Augusta, Georgia area to write his autobiography.
So those demographics will be anyone meeting
Documentation consult.
This https://www.inotherwordsbystone.com/ or
You can just Google Angela Marshall, George or
Just hit me up on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter,
IG, I’m everywhere, Richard, I’m everywhere.
Richard Matthews
So that’s all wonderful before I repeat some of that
For our audience. I have one question.
If you’re ghost writing an autobiography,
Doesn’t that make it a biography?
Angela Marshall
That is correct. However, since I’m not being mentioned
In anything, I’m just going to sell to him because so it’s twofold.
You have some people that will give you the credit
That will say that it was written by Angela Marshall
And if it was something that I really wanted to have some –
Take credit for, I could probably negotiate that but because
I’m going to be totally sound as if he wrote it, then that’s why it’s –
Richard Matthews
I was just teasing because it cracked me up a little bit.
I was like, wait an autobiography means he wrote it.
But if she’s ghostwriting? Doesn’t that –
Angela Marshall
He’s paying me to write it and then go away silently. (laughter)
Richard Matthews
So https://www.inotherwordsbystone.com/
Where they can find you.
Angela Marshall
In Other Words.
Richard Matthews
In Other Words, okay, there.
Is where they can find you. I absolutely think if you’re listening,
You need motivational speakers,
You should reach out to Angela,
I think you’d be fun to get on more stages.
Angela Marshall
I’m ready. I stay ready that’s for sure.
Richard Matthews
Awesome. And thank you so much for coming on the show.
Really appreciated having the conversation with you today.
And again, if you’re looking to hire someone,
Get some help with your words. Definitely reach out to Angela.
Thank you. Have a great day. Angela.
Angela Marshall
Thank you so much, Richard. I appreciate it.
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A peak behind the masks of modern day super heroes. What makes them tick? What are their super powers? Their worst enemies? What's their kryptonite? And who are their personal heroes? Find out by listening now
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