Webinar Alchemy Workshop




What You'll Discover In This Course

Why your level of talent absolutely doesn’t matter… and what matters waaay more instead (slide 28).

Plus, how you can use this secret to quickly build powerful presentations that do the selling for you (slide 34).

How to provide massive actionable value to your listeners so they can leave your talk with the rocket fuel they need to grow… without giving away all your secrets and killing your sales (slide 64).

My 4-Step formula you can follow in every talk that is specially designed to help every listener you have, while at the same time forcing your future customers to rise to the top of your crowd and practically beg to give you their money in exchange for transformation you deliver (slide 74).

A simple way to frame your self-introduction so that you can humbly and powerfully talk about your qualifications, while still making it about your listeners, thus removing the awkwardness of talking about yourself (slide 58).

My teaching method that lets you combat “expert blindness” and overcome any disparity in your listeners “level of awareness” so you can help each listener walk away feeling like you delivered value (slide 75).

How to frame your offers so the right people in your audience stand up and want to be a part of your products, programs, or services (slide 77).

Plus, every single aspect of what we will be covering is broken down into easy, replicate-able templates that will allow you to literally fill-in-the-blanks and get fantastic results (all the slides!).

Course Content

Your Instructor

Richard Matthews




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